Where to get Vitamin D?


Where to get Vitamin D?

If your answer is anywhere where vitamins are sold, you are partially correct. Vitamin D is nicknamed the sunshine vitamin because our body produces it after sun exposure. I found a website with this article online: 17 Benefits of Vitamin D.

For me, the most important thing I get from it is that it helps to build my immune system. To get sunshine and to celebrate my birthday, we went to Maui. Life here, in my opinion, is a sample of how to keep living during the pandemic.

We had to get a Covid test prior to coming here, keep our masks on when people are within 6 feet away, and spend as much time outside as possible. And of course, we enjoyed good food in restaurants (when not covering your face). Whenever we looked around, there were parents and grandparents with their children, who for their development definitely need portion of the Vitamin D.

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