The Significance of Numbers


The Significance of Numbers

Recently my wife Elfa reminded me that it was on August 5th forty years ago we moved to San Francisco. If not for the Coronavirus, we probably would celebrate such an important date in our lives. Instead, I decided to share with you some of the significance of the number 40. We can start with the Scripture where it was mentioned 146 times. There, the number generally symbolizes a period of testing, trial and probation. According to Numerology, 40 represents 5 traits – Dignity, Focus, Pragmatism, Sense of Security and Dedication. Looking back at our last forty years, which were challenging, exciting and very satisfying, I believe that during those years I developed all five traits, which prepared me for the next 40 years.

There are other numbers connected with the experience of our arrival here. It happened on the 5th of the eighth month. In Numerology the key characteristic of number 5 is curiosity and the need for variety of exciting experiences in order to feel fulfilled. It craves freedom and adventure and isn’t afraid to let the wind carry it where it may (this fits me perfectly). And what about number 8 (as August is the 8th months of the year)? In Numerology, the number 8 is the achiever and measures life by goals and reaches. It has a good business sense, a powerful presence and is strong for success (all of that sounds good). In Chinese culture, the number 8 is considered the luckiest number of all, and purposely worked into wedding dates. On the subject of weddings, there was another important number in our lives. Three days after our arrival in San Francisco, we celebrated our thirteenth wedding anniversary (I recently wrote about our 53rd anniversary). By adding 8 and 5 we get the number 13. Some consider number 13 unlucky. In Numerology the number 13 brings the test, the suffering and the death. It symbolizes the death to the matter or to oneself and the birth to the spirit: the passage on higher level or existence. This number cannot be unlucky, because I was born on January 13th and besides in China 13 is traditionally considered a lucky number, because in Chinese it sounds similar to words for “assured growth”. In Torah thirteen is attributed to meaning of Mercy. I found all of this trivia on line, and there is obviously much more if you have desire and time to explore. Meanwhile, I will introduce you to one more number – 42, which in Douglas Adam’s “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” is an answer to the Universe’s ultimate question – “What is the meaning of life, the universe and everything?”

I am ending with number 42, because it is the number of images I’ve chosen for my “42 Encounters” series of photo-books. I just finished working on “42 Encounters with Laughter”, which is going to be available in a few months. Start building your own library, since it will take me another forty years to finish all 42 books. You can find those on

P.S. I used dried roses to design different numbers, which were mentioned in the story. The bouquet has forty flowers, and the bonus image of LOVE has forty-two roses. I might use this image on the cover of my book, “42 Encounters with Love”, which I am planning to publish in 2021. Meanwhile, “42 Encounters with Laughter” is moving forward. Stay tuned.

Enjoy and Share with A Friend!

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