Fridays with Manny


To Run, Or Not To Run?

For me, the question was answered several years ago. After the wear and tear in both of my knees, my running days are over. Nevertheless, in 2017, I participated in the Bay to Breakers race, for the first time. My intention was just to photograph the participants. In spite of the pain in my knee, I decided to follow the crowd for a few blocks. Four hours later, I somehow ended up at the end of a roughly 7.5-mile track, together with many other walkers. It was an amazing experience and I captured hundreds of images. 

This year, on Sunday, May 15th, the footrace event returned to San Francisco for the 108th time, after a break due to the Covid 19 pandemic. 14,000 runners and thousands of walkers; many of whom were dressed up, and some who left their clothes at home. 

In the article about the event, which appeared in the San Francisco Chronicle on May 16th, I found out that during the last two years, the event was held virtually. Since I could not take virtual photos, I had to wait. These three images are from the 2019 Bay to Breakers.

Enjoy and Share Love with a Friend!