Fridays with Manny


Mother’s Day

I have a special reason why I’m writing in advance about Mother’s Day, which is celebrated on Sunday, May 8th. I was blessed to have two mothers. Mama Liza gave me birth, and I lived at home with her until the age of 20. When I got married, I moved in with my wife and Mama Masha, my wife’s mother. For the next 20 years, until her passing in San Francisco, we lived together and traveled from Latvia via Israel to the United States. Both of my mothers died a long time ago, but I still think about both of them. Their love and care helped me to become who I am today – a person who loves and cares about others.

Online, I read about the history of Mother’s Day. In America, Anna Jarvis, started Mother’s Day in 1908, and then later denounced the holiday because of its commercialization of presenting moms with flowers, cards and other gifts. 

I think that my photo-book “42 Encounters with Love” can be the best gift you can give to your mother. It can not only can be an expression of your love; but also, unlike flowers, it will not ever fade, nor will my beautiful roses, which I offer to you with love.

Enjoy and Share Love!