Fridays with Manny


Chicken or the Egg?

I do not think you would lose sleep over the question, which came first, the chicken or the egg. The Torah only tells us that “God created all the winged birds of every kind. And God saw that this was good.” (Genesis 20:21), without letting us know how he/she did it. Therefore, this task was left for the scientists. And as it sometimes happens, there are at least two opinions: some claim that the chicken came first, while others prefer the egg.

Regardless of what scientists consider, some of us prefer to eat chickens; while others only eggs. In our family, we do not eat meat. When I tell this to some people, they ask, “Not even a chicken?” Not even a chicken; however, eggs are a great source of protein. One of my clients who lives in the Sunset district of San Francisco has egg laying chickens, and I was lucky to get some of those fresh green colored eggs. My wife and I ate the eggs, but you can enjoy these images of the chickens.