Do Plants Think?


Do Plants Think?

After I wrote about our visit to the forest in San Francisco a few weeks ago, we went there again with our friend and his son Daniel, who recently turned eight. Our dog Max enjoyed the outing again, since he could run leash free. On the way back at about five, the setting sun lit the leaf, and before taking a photo of it, I pointed out the effect of the light to Daniel. He was silent for a while, and then suddenly asked, “Do plants think?” I paused before answering. “Why do people think?” I asked. “To make a choice”, he answered. “Do plants need to make a choice? Do they choose where to grow, where to get food, water, light?” I challenged him. He thought for a moment again and then said, “They probably think differently than us.”

I mentioned to him that years ago, I read about how words can affect the structure of water. Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto, researched this subject and wrote a book in 2004, “The Hidden Messages in Water”. And since the human body is made up of 60% water and plants cannot live without water, and words can affect our well-being, there might be something in our lives which can affect the way we all process information. However, to be sure, I reached out to my favorite source – Google. When I searched, ‘Do plants think?’ to my surprise, I found out that Daniel was not the first one to ask this profound question. On January 10, the publication “The World”, reported, “New research on plant intelligence may forever change how you think about plants.” Turns out that plants have astounding abilities to sense and react to the world. Michael Pollan, author of such books as “The Omnivore’s Dilemma” and “The Botany of Desire”, says plants have all the same senses as humans and then some.

There is another book written by Daniel Chamovitz titled, “What a Plant Knows: A Field Guide to the Senses”. Online I found the book’s summary – “Paralleling the human senses, the author explains the secret lives of various plants, from the colors they see to whether or not they really like classical music to their ability to sense nearby danger.”

Turns out that Daniel at his young age knew something that scientists and writers have been trying to prove – that there are so many things beyond our knowledge and comprehension.

P.S. In Golden Gate Park I encountered and photographed Daniel and three other young people, who belong to the generation who ask a lot of surprising questions. It is our job as adults to help them to find the right answers and to learn while doing that.

Enjoy and Share with A Friend.

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