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To evaluate two options, we need to subtract the monthly payments and the rebate (amount paid by the lender towards the closing costs). 

In our example:

 Rebate difference   = $4,566

 Monthly payment    =      $45

 Tax adjustment       =      $34

$4,566 / $34 =  $134.29

$134.29 / 12 months = 11.19 years to break even


It will take over 11 years to have the benefit of a lower rate. At the same time, if the extra $4,000 is used to pay off a credit card at 22% or even take a vacation, the benefit of the higher rate with the bigger rebate will be even more significant. For different folks—different strokes.

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In Dog We Trust!



In Dog We Trust

“Man is happy to have friends–so are dogs.”

I heard a story on the local public radio station KQED, that a company in Florida apparently ordered a special carpet. When it arrived, the workers unrolled it and immediately rolled it back. Instead of “In God We Trust”, the embroidery said “In Dog We Trust”.

We recently watched a documentary on public television called, “Dogs Decoded”. It was about how dogs evolved from wolves with surprising implications for the evolution of human culture.


Many people like dogs (or cats), though not everyone is willing to have them. In the past 35 years living in San Francisco, we’ve had two dogs. The first one Amber—an Irish Setter, was a lady with a temper. She would run away jumping over the neighbor’s fence and I had to chase her all over the neighborhood. After she was hit and killed by a car in front of our house, we decided that our next dog would have short legs.


Angus, a Welsh Corgi, was a perfect choice. He was from a champion lineage and our adopting him was under the condition that we show him at dog competitions. But as he grew, he became a giant Corgi (perhaps we fed him too generously). So, his showmanship career was over. We had Angus for 13 years. He loved to go with us to The Sea Ranch and did not want to go back to San Francisco. When we would start packing, he would stick his face into the corner, hiding it from us, as he tried to make himself “invisible”, since he did not want to go back. He was a good walking companion until the last year of his life, when he preferred to just lay down. One day, he let me know that it was enough for him. With tears in my eyes, I drove him to the vet where we said good-bye.


Since then, we have discussed which dog we are going to have for our next best friend. Since both of us work and travel, we feel it is not fair to keep a dog alone at home. And since retirement is not so close, we decided to postpone sharing our love with a best friend for some time in the future.


I am creating a number of photo books. The first one will be ready by Spring, and is called “88 Encounters in San Francisco in Color”. The next one, “Encounters with Dog Lovers” will contain images in this story and many more.



We attended a friend’s 50th birthday party. Since his dog could not be present, his wife made him a special surprise—a dog shaped marzipan cake. In this case, you could have a dog and eat it too. Happy Birthday Jeff!

Happy Chinese New Year!


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Manny<br />

Mortgage Solutions For You!



A young couple wanted to buy a house. They became self-employed consultants about 7 months ago. Usually to qualify for a mortgage, lenders require 2 years tax returns. This particular lender would use the average of their 2 years net income to calculate an acceptable monthly income. (Some conventional loans allow use of only one year tax returns.)

Luckily, our borrowers had investments with a significant amount of money. We used an Asset Depletion Income calculator (offered by one of our lenders) to arrive to the qualifying income.

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Who Was Valentine?



Who Was Valentine?

“Love is everywhere. Open your heart to receive it.”

From the moment we wake up in the morning, until we retire to bed at night, many of us are chained to our routines. Whether it is school, work, we have something programmed into our schedules nearly every day—including holidays. The word “holy” according to “Bible Hub”, comes from the Greek word ‘hagios’, which implies something is “set apart” therefore “different—i.e. other.” Thus, a holy day is a day set apart from other days of the week. February the 14th is a holy day, as it is the celebration of St. Valentine. But who was Valentine? Where did he live? What made him so special?


There is one legend about Saint Valentine of Rome, who was imprisoned for performing weddings for soldiers who were forbidden to marry and for ministering to Christians, who were persecuted under the Roman Empire. According to legend, during his imprisonment, he healed the daughter of his jailer, Asterius. An embellishment to this story states that before his execution, he wrote her a letter signed “Your Valentine” as a farewell. Apparently, historically, there was more than one Valentine. Different religious groups and even different countries have their own legends, which gave them an excuse to celebrate love and affection.


According to Wikipedia, the Valentine’s Day that we celebrate today to commemorate romantic love, evolved in 18th-century England. This occasion was for lovers to express their love by presenting flowers, offering confectionaries and sending hand-written greeting cards thanks to the Hallmark Cards Company, which was founded in 1910. Hallmark transformed this holiday into a big business opportunity; not only for greeting card companies, but also for the flower and candy industries as well. As a result of the routine created by advertisers, we rush to honor our loved ones. But what about the other 364 days of the year? Do we need someone to tell us what to do?



This year, try to do something different. Break the routine to show your love and appreciation. Be creative! There are so many ways to express yourself. My contribution to you is bouquets of flowers with a twist. Share it with love.

Your Valentine,

Manny<br />



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Mortgage Solutions For You!



We had two clients with similar cases, however Client A’s property was owner occupied, while Client B’s was non-owner occupied. Client A and Client B both wanted refinancing  for a condominium, which is considered a “loft” because it has a separate space to conduct a business. The Convenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&R) of the building allows for this kind of operation in the premises. Since the Client A wanted a mortgage of $625,500, which is considered a conforming loan amount that is sold to Fannie Mae, we were able to arrange a fixed rate loan.

Client B was less fortunate. Unfortunately, he had rented his loft and we could not help him get a 15 year fixed rate.

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Soft Story Building Presentation at Vanguard Property

Manny recently visited San Francisco’s Vanguard Property to present on Soft Story Buildings as part of a commitment to educate the general public, real estate agents, contractors, property owners, etc.–to make sure we’re all prepared for when the next earthquake should occur. Have any questions about the process? Make sure to check out the video below or feel free to contact Pacific Bay Financial with any questions/comments you might have.

How To Read A House



How To Read A House

“Reading is a mental process. Letters become words. Words become phrases. Phrases become sentences. Sentences create books.”

The idea of “house reading” comes from Michael Pollan’s second book, “A Place of My Own: The Architecture of Daydreams”. I wrote about his first book “Second Nature: A Gardener’s Education” a few weeks ago. While reading is usually associated with the written text, let’s not forget lip reading, palm reading and map reading!


Mr. Pollan used to live in a town in New England where he and his wife owned a small house on 5 acres of land. They were expecting their first child; and he realized that he needed more space to enable him to continue his writing career. He decided to build a hut with his own hands, without having any skills or dexterity for such a project. The book is a beautiful account of his experience. Like in his first book about gardening, he goes into minute details describing not only the physical, but the mental process he went through to realize his idea. In the process, he worked with an architect who suggested the idea that building a house is similar to reading a book. You start at the beginning and page by page, you learn the narrative as well as identity—yourself, with the process and the subject, by emerging into the process. I think this idea applies to many other endeavors in our lives as well.


Every new project starts with an idea. For instance, you come across a piece of land, a tear-down building, and then you want to build your dream house. But do you know what it takes to do that? “A Place of My Own” will help in many ways. One of the critical aspects of building a house is the cost analysis, or simply put, figuring out how much money one needs to realize their dream and avoiding the nightmare of running short on funds before the project is completed. In my work, I deal with these problems with my clients all of the time.


But sooner or later, you will need money to pay for everything: land, design, permits, construction, and a myriad of other things that you cannot even imagine at the beginning of your new “book”. There is a reason why so many projects big and small run into trouble during the construction process. Can those problems be prevented? Not necessarily, but they can be reduced. Start your project with the end in mind, but at the same time count every penny it will take to get to the end. If you have an idea, desire, project, or anything else that requires “Tailored Mortgage Solutions”, I might be able to assist you. But please call me before you start anything. I promise you will have a much better night’s sleep as a result.


Before becoming a builder, Mr. Pollan was a reader. In his book, he quotes many writers who wrote about architecture. If you want to know about mortgages, read my two books, “The Mortgage Game: The 5 C’s and How To Connect Them” and “Mortgage Solutions For Smart People: 5 Easy Way to Get Your Loan Approved”.  Or read anything for fun and education like these people whom I’ve met throughout my travels.


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Mortgage Solutions For You!



An elderly client wanted to assure that she could handle her monthly mortgage payments. The balance on her current loan was $494,000. We offered three interest only options, all without out of pocket closing costs.

Product Term

Interest Rate

Monthly Payments

5 Year I.O. Arm



7 Year I.O. Arm



10 Year I.O. Arm



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Manny<br />




“The best way to socialize is to look into the other person’s eyes.”


I woke up at 6am on Sunday. I could stay in bed lingering under the warmth of the covers, and reading a bit more. Instead, I got up quickly, washed, dressed up, grabbed both of my cameras, and went out into the dark street. One of my New Year’s resolution is to walk every day. I have three routes: down the hill to West Portal, around our hilly neighborhood, or a walk/hike up to Mount Davidson. From our house, it is about a half an hour brisk walk to reach the highest natural point in San Francisco, with an elevation of 928 feet. It is topped by a huge Cross, which is part of the rich San Francisco history.


I often go up there to greet the sunset, or just to take photos of the expansive view of the city. But sometimes instead of the view, Mount Davidson greets visitors with the heaviest fog, which can be a great opportunity to take spectacular images.


When I reached the foot of the hill, I was surprised to meet another photographer. And then I heard voices coming from the top. A few moments later, out of the fog, emerged a group of young men and one woman, most of whom were carrying photo cameras. While I watched and listened to them greet each other, I was even more surprised that many were from out of town. To get here at 7am on this foggy morning was a really special effort. I found out that more than 20 men and a few women were drawn here by Instagram. The idea was to get together to photograph, or to create a video with the maximum duration of 15 seconds. Instagrams can be shared on a variety of social networking platforms.


But what I noticed was that though all of them had photo cameras, including some old ones with film, they were not taking photographs; instead they were socializing and talking to one another. In my observation, I considered that those young people probably spend most of their working hours alone, in front of computers. For them any form of gathering outside their familiar environment is to actually meet, talk, and socialize. The camera is just a reason for belonging to a certain group. Of course my theory may be wrong. My daughter once suggested for me to share my images on Instagram, but I did not know how. One woman in the group explained how I can do it and promised to let me know about the next gathering. Though, I was the “wisest” dude among them. (To find out the difference between an old dude and a wise one read my story.), I felt good and while they were talking, I was photographing.



As I’ve previously written, while photography means drawing with light, fog blocks a lot of light. I like to create images where fog is a contributor to the special images. There was an interesting story in the S.F. Chronicle, about how a photo-bomb on Instagram made international news.



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A student inherited a rental property, as well as an investment portfolio which generated over $6,000/month income. He needed money to pay taxes and for the improvements. Since he did not have an established income and no sufficient credit history, the only solution was to get a private loan with higher interest. After two years, we will be able to refinance his loan and get conventional financing.

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