After participating in the Bay to Breakers race, I wrote about two weeks ago, I have a few thoughts that I wanted to share with you, relating to the synonym for the word “running”, which is the word “rushing”.
Running as a sport was introduced during the Olympic Games, which first took place in 776 BCE in Olympia, ancient Greece. But the number of runners was relatively small. The rest of the world population was growing rather slowly. There was no reason and nowhere to rush. The actual change came during the Industrial Revolution, which started in 1760 with the invention of the steam engine. Consequently, people could accomplish more in the same period of time, and work longer hours. In addition, as a result of a breakthrough in medicine and changes in lifestyle, people could live longer, productive lives. Over the course of this period of time, we have been doing more and more. But the question remains – are our bodies and our mental state ready for all the pressure and demands on our lives? During the dot-com bubble, which took place from 1997 to 2001, thousands (if not millions) of young men and women have worked hard, longer hours. And then the bubble burst. However this did not stop the rush. In the last few years, more and more start-up companies have been popping up and driving the competition and the rush to make it another Google or Facebook. People are rushing to catch the next business opportunity, and not only young people.
There is a story about Bill who was running in the street and ran into his friend, John. “Where are you running?” John asked. “To catch the business opportunity”, Bill answered. John replied, “How do you know that the opportunity is not trying to catch up with you?”
So, what makes us rush and run? Years ago a friend recommended I read the book, “What Makes Sammy Run?” The book was written by Budd Shulberg in 1952. It is a story written about a young man – Sammy who wanted to succeed in Hollywood (over sixty years ago).
Years of rushing through life, working hard, short vacations, and not enough money leads to stress. Many people look forward to their retirement. Are they ready? I first came across retirement issues about a year ago when I helped a retired couple buy their first home by utilizing a reverse mortgage.
This led me to the realization that many people are not ready to retire. After doing some research and reading a few books, I decided to write my own book called “Retirement Solutions for Smart People”, as well as to conduct seminars titled “Retirement Solutions 4 You.” The first seminar took place last Wednesday with an incredible turnout. We will continue these events. Please stay tuned.
P.S. I took over 500 images at the Bay to Breakers race. Then after deleting more than half of them, I still have a few to share with you. As you can see, people have different running/walking styles. Some fly above the ground. I encountered a man, who in spite of being handicapped, found a ways to compete with specially designed prostheses, while yet another man couldn’t walk straight, but this did not stop him from running. But there were also those who felt that their clothes slowed them down and found a solution by simply taking them off.
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