A few weeks ago I shared about celebrating my seventy-first birthday, while vacationing in The Sea Ranch. I wanted to keep writing about the joy that I experienced while there, and photographing nature. As I mentioned before, I am currently writing a book titled, “Retirement Solutions for Smart People. 5 Easy Ways to Enjoy Your Life”. According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, the definition of joy is “The emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune, or by prospect of possessing what one desires, a state of happiness or felicity”. Since I was not familiar with it, I looked up the word “felicity”, and learned that it is “something that causes happiness”. The word “happiness” is defined as “good fortune-prosperity or a state of well-being and contentment, i.e. joy”. For me, all of those words are just words. What it really means will change from one person to another. For some, being seventy-one is the beginning of the end, for me it is just another day to experience joy without caring what it really means.
When our daughters were growing up I would tell them, “Regardless what you do – enjoy it”. At the end of this story, like in all before, you will read “Enjoy and Share with a Friend”. The feeling of joy comes from sharing whatever you feel or experience with others; otherwise it is short lived. If you want to experience joy, just ask yourself what is it that another human being or an animal, or nature would enjoy and share this experience together. Having our labradoodle puppy Max in our lives gives me and my wife Elfa and our daughter Alona great joy and a lot of laughter. For Max it is easy, since the purpose of his life is to express joy by licking our faces and being a good and obedient boy (which he is learning). If you’re lacking joy in your life, you could adopt a dog (or get a puppy if you have a lot of patience). Regardless what you do – enjoy it.
P.S. Every time I pressed the shutter button of my camera, I thought about the joy you are going to have seeing the final images. If you enjoy seeing my photography, visit our office, where I’ve covered the walls with a variety of my photographs. Meanwhile, these four images of the sunsets from The Sea Ranch are for your enjoyment.