I received a phone call recently from a childhood friend. She and her husband, with whom I went to school, used to live in Virginia. We saw them at least twenty years ago on a trip we took to Washington DC. She told me that after losing her job and her husband selling his business, they decided to retire in Sarasota, Florida. They were able to buy their new home for cash, after selling their house. After waking up late in the morning, they take a fifteen-minute drive to the beach and swim in the warm Caribbean waters. They meet and spend time with quite a few other people in Sarasota, who have chosen a similar lifestyle. Their children live quite a distance away, but they see each other often. My friends are planning to take a Scandinavian Cruise in May, which will end in our hometown of Riga, Latvia. For many retirees this kind of life sounds great, but not for me.
Being only seventy years young, I feel that my retirement can wait. We just moved into a new office. The lease is for five years with a five-year extension. Thus, I am planning to keep myself busy by helping other people to enjoy their retirement, for at least the next ten years. Last year I started to help a number of clients get reverse mortgages. During this experience I realized that a lot of people feel lost and need my assistance later on in their lives. I decided that I can help them by writing a book. Not about reverse mortgages (there are quite a few on the market), but rather about how to prepare for retirement.
The title of the book is “Retirement Solutions for Smart People. 5 Easy Ways To Enjoy Your Golden Age.” Retirement is a popular subject among the baby boom generation, and I’ve found quite a few books on the subject. Most of them are written by professionals who manage money or by professional writers.
In my book, I’m going to write about the following 5 Easy Ways to prepare for retirement:
1. Having a retirement mindset
2. How to create savings
3. Who can help to get better results
4. How to make the Government your partner
5. How to manage and lower your debts
I expect my readers to be age of 30 and up, since it takes time to prepare for one’s retirement. As soon as you start to develop your retirement mindset, it will be easier to enjoy your next life’s journey, many years later. We are launching our discussion about the retirement with the seminar “Retirement Solutions 4 You”, which will take place in our office on June 7th. Please come, learn and enjoy my photography on the walls of our office.
Enjoy and Share.
P.S. During my wandering around San Francisco I encountered many people in their advanced age, who seem to have found their way to enjoy “Golden Age”.
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