“Focus on the results. Even when you want to create a photo image that is out of focus, the result is what you focus on.“
Wonders of nature
The word “photography” has two parts: photo, which means light, and graph, which means to draw (i.e. to draw with light).
The word “mortgage” also consists of two parts: mort, which means dead, and gage, which means pledge. (i.e. it is a dead pledge)
To be great at either taking a good photo or helping someone get a good a mortgage, one needs to keep the end result in mind.
Both occupations require a lot of patience and constant practice.
Mistakes are sometimes made, and it might take more than one attempt to get things right. In both cases, mistakes can be corrected as long as one knows how.
Information needs to be processed utilizing technology in order to get results.
Even though technology is involved, there is a need for paper.
Though photographers and loan originators can often do all the work themselves, assistants and processors are experts in their own field, and are great team members.
In both fields, light has to be shed on the dark areas. Sometimes there is a need to wait for a better time or circumstances.
The outcome is not always the expected one; nevertheless, it can still be very satisfying.
I have no words to describe such beauty
Specific education can help, but an overall life experience can be an asset.
There is no compensation, until someone is happy with the results.
A good photo image evokes emotion, as does the process of getting a mortgage.
In photography, there are 5 connecting elements in each image: the subject, light, aperture, shutter speed and ISO.
In the mortgage business, there are the 5 C’s, that I describe in my first book,“The Mortgage Game: The 5 C’s and How to Connect Them” and explain in more detail in my forthcoming second book, “Mortgage Solutions for Smart People: 5 Easy Ways to Get Your Loan Approved”.
And of course, both photography and the mortgage business have me, and I humbly try to bring you the beauty in photography and the tamed beast in the mortgage business together in the “Good News From Dr. Manny”.
I do not have a specialty as a photographer, but I am drawn to four subjects: street scenes, portraits, nature, and abstracts.
In the mortgage business, I am also drawn to four subjects: residential, commercial, apartment buildings, and construction loans.
The sky is the limit
I included photo samples of each of the subjects, which I took with an iPhone. You can see more of my mortgage related photo stories in past issues of Good News From Dr. Manny.
Peter Karp—my extraordinary money manager, expressed his opinion that the Federal Government will probably react to the investors’ rush to unloan bonds (including mortgage bonds). This might be the reason of the increase of interest rates. Rates may potentially drop again for a short period of time. You can prepare yourself by locking your rate. Just send me your loan documents. Please do not procrastinate. I want to help you help yourself and lower your monthly payments.
Please do not keep me a secret.