We’re approaching the end of the old and the beginning of the New Year, which will happen the second the clock strikes midnight, on Saturday. Are you ready for the change? Have you spent hours or even days preparing for this happening? Have you made a long list of all the goals and desires, which you hope will happen in the New Year? According to the dictionary, “Hope is a feeling and desire for a certain thing to happen.”
In an article in The Wall Street Journal last week titled, “Michelle’s Trump Despair”, Daniel Henninger writes, “Every politician since ancient Athens has run on hope to win office and power. In 2008, Barack Obama’s “Hope and Change” was a brilliant slogan for his historic campaign.”
For me hope is just a word without power, unless there is an action plan to fulfill one’s desires. Some people call desires – goals. Many motivational seminars, or self-development books teach that to get results, we have to set realistic and attainable goals. But for the majority of us, Donald Trump’s goal of being elected President of the most powerful country in the world was neither realistic nor attainable. After all, there were others who had similar desires and hopes. If all of those very capable people could not fulfill their hopes, then what is the chance for us to succeed? Does this mean that the lists of our goals and desires that we’ve worked so hard to put together just waste of time? I don’t know about you, but I’ve made my list. In my list last year I wrote that I would produce two “42 Encounters in San Francisco” books. As you might know, the first book is out, and you can read the incredibly complimentary reviews on Amazon.com, and buy your copy. My second book “42 Encounters with Couples in San Francisco” is ready to be printed. But I need your help to make it happen. I promised my wife Elfa that I will only place the order for the next book when 700 books will be sold, so that I will have the necessary funds to print the sequel.
My desire for the next year is to complete two more books. What are your desires? Have you written them down?
As a bonus to my story, I will share with you my secret to getting things done; which I’ve practiced over many years. Are you ready?
Forget about having hope. Have dreams and desires and then put everything you’ve got in you to fulfill them. Be flexible and constantly learn through your mistakes, as well as your victories.
I recently shared my business dreams and desires for the next year with a friend. Hearing my goals, he pointed out that I’m limiting myself. To reach big goals, he suggested that I think big and expand my desires.
Make it a Prosperous and Great 2017! Enjoy and Share with a friend on Social Media.
P.S. To celebrate the Holidays, we drove to Los Angeles to be with our daughter, Tamar and our son (her husband), David. There I had time to write down my desires for the next five years. I also had some time on our drive back to take some images to share with you.
Do Not Keep Me As A Secret!
Smile And Please SHARE It With A Friend!