While working on my next book “Retirement Solutions for Smart People, 5 Easy Ways to Enjoy Your Golden Age”, I was doing research on what motivates people. In a book titled, “Mind: A Scientific Guide to Who You Are, How you Got That Way, and How to Make the Most of it” by Patricia Daniels, I learned among other things that “Neuroscientists still don’t agree with one another on what love is.”
After being married to my wife Elfa, – for over fifty-one years, and still being in love, I cannot explain what I feel. Nor can I put in words what I really feel when I express my love to my daughters. When our daughter Tamar married her husband David, my love was extended to him as well, as a new member of our family. And then a year ago,-our family expanded again by adding another member – our puppy Max, whom I love very much. There are also many other people in my life – men and women – whom I love. Is it the same love? Do we still feel love when we feel upset with someone? I have no idea (nor do the neuroscientists).
All of those thoughts crossed my mind during a recent visit to Muttville Senior Dogs Rescue Center, which I wrote about last week, and where I witnessed an expression of love for our four-legged best friends. I was invited there to promote my new book. All the funding for the dogs’ rescue organization comes from private donations. Therefore, I decided to contribute 10% from the sales of my new book “42 Encounters with Dog Lovers”. During the four hours I spent there, I had the opportunity to experience an expression of what we call love for dogs.
Those who want to adopt a dog can go to Muttville.org to find their next best friend. But to see the dog and to fill out the adoption paper work, one needs to come to 205 Alabama Street in San Francisco. Every Saturday and Sunday there is a fenced tent in front of the building where employees and volunteers sit together with adorable, mostly small dogs. During my stay there, one of the dogs managed to get out and started running in the street. At this moment, about ten of the handlers started chasing a very fast small creature. To everyone’s relief, it was soon caught and shortly after was adopted by a loving family. At least sixteen dogs were adopted that day. It was an incredible experience to see the expression of human love, which they get back from their new best friends.
P.S. When I started to write about Max, dogs and dog lovers, about a year ago, I had no idea that it would bring me the opportunity to witness the expression of love in such abundance. These four images just give a glimpse of the whole experience, which will only keep growing.
You can see Sherri Franklin, the founder of Muttville, arriving with one of her eight loving friends and staff members and volunteers who work here mainly because they love dogs. You can also see the board where the name of a new adopter is recorded. The last image shows me and my book “42 Encounters with Dog Lovers” which you can order at Encounterspublishing.com or Amazon.com.
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