Wedding Anniversary
“It is easier and more fun to travel through life with a friend”
I recently had a conversation with a 22 year-old young friend. “How do you know if she is the right one?”, he asked, referring to the relationship he had for 7 months with a girlfriend. “Ask your heart”, I suggested (something I learned from my wife, Elfa). I read somewhere that Thomas Spencer, one of the founders of British Department Store
“Marks and Spencer”, said, “If in doubt, cut it out”. I think this phrase can be applied to many things, especially to relationships. Perhaps this is one of the reasons that so many couples break-up – doubt. Jesus who said, “For I know where I come from and where I am going.” (John 8:14). But how can we, mere humans, know our way, and if the person we are travelling with will be with us for the entire journey? After all, even Jesus was betrayed. I have no idea how it works, but I “knew” when I first met Elfa, that she would be my future wife, when we were both 19. We got married less than a year later. We both “knew” that we were destined to be together. Of course during the next 48 years there were moments of doubt. But somehow connecting with our hearts we found the right answers.
We got married on August 8
th, 1967 in
Riga. Our wedding celebration was in
Jurmala, a resort area 40 minutes away by train. A small group of relatives gathered in the backyard of a summer house that our family rented. We were both very young, beautiful and naïve. And now 48 years later, it feels like it was yesterday. This year, to celebrate this special day, we drove to
Carmel-by-the Sea for the weekend. This place reminds of Jurmala, where we wed. The seawater is cold, the sand is white, the weather is often foggy, and pine trees surround it. This area attracts a lot of visitors. This town has good restaurants, many art galleries (a few good photo galleries as well). On this trip we encountered many people, especially from Asia. I went to the beach a few times a day to photograph people and capture the beauty in the different light. And we just relaxed.
Many people, who find out that we’ve been together for over 48 years at our young age, ask for our secret. I will gladly share it with you. Two words “Love” and “Care”, the rest is just interpretation.

P.S. Carmel is all about the sea, this is why it is called Carmel-by-the Sea. I hope that my images will convey the feeling and desire to visit this beautiful place.
Do Not Keep Me As A Secret!
Smile And Please SHARE It With A Friend!