Up and Down…Here I Come Make It a Happy New Year


“In life, the ups and downs are part of the same journey.” 


In the new Malcom Gladwell book, “David and Goliath”, (which I strongly recommend together with many other of his books), he refers to a story about Brer Rabbit and Brer Fox. The story supports the message that Malcolm conveys—that in life, many of those who seem disadvantaged, find ways to overcome their “limitations” to get ahead or to just survive.

In the story, Brer Rabbit falls into a well and he entices Brer Fox to come down and to catch him. While Brer Fox jumps into a bucket which was going down, the Rabbit holds onto a rope, which was going up and is able to climb out of the well.



Reading this brought to mind a story in the Torah about Jacob leaving home on his life journey to find a wife among his mother’s relatives. On the way, he went to sleep:

“and he dreamt, and behold! A ladder was set earthward and its top reached heavenward, and behold! Angels of God were ascending and descending on it. And behold! Hashem (God) was standing over him.” (Genesis 28: 12-13)

The commentators of the Torah were puzzled: why did the angels, who were heavenly beings coming down from heaven, not come up in the opposite direction?



I do not pretend to understand or know the Torah, but for me the dream about “Jacob’s ladder” is an allegory for life’s (or business’) journey. In the beginning, we start our journey with high expectations and our message is going up heavenward. And then, we get a “response”, which often brings us “down to earth”. Since life or business continues, this process is repeated again and again.




Sometimes on the weekends, I travel downtown to visit photo galleries (there are quite a few at 47 Geary Street), and just hang out with my camera.

We live in Monterey Heights, a hilly area of San Francisco. Our house is on the crest of our street, thus I can go down the hill to the Muni station and get down town in about 30 minutes.

Recently, I decided to walk downtown.

To do this, I have to go up the hill first before the road starts going down again. This choice took me 3 hours to get to my destination. On the way, I visited places and talked to people I met. One man I met told me that he takes Muni to different destinations on the weekends and walks back home.

What a great idea.



During this walk, I discovered Mono Street, a short street that is actually an alley with stairs, where the mailman goes up and down to deliver mail. And of course, I photographed. You can see some of my photo images.


Due to the new regulations starting on January 10th, the mortgage industry is going through ups and down again. Since it is our responsibility to find a mortgage solution for you, your families, and your friends, please do not keep me as a secret.

Have a Happy and Joyful New Year!