It is Tuesday morning, November 3rd, Election Day. I just came back from my rendezvous with the rising sun. Last week I wrote that due to the daytime savings time change I missed the opportunity. Since I did not want this to happen again, I went to bed last night at 9pm and got up at 5am. I had enough time for my morning routine and after leaving home while it was still dark; I was on the top of Mount Davidson by 6am. It was still twilight. On the horizon, I could see the hills on the other side of the Bay, darkness was changing into light, but I knew I had to wait. It was chilly. My body, which was warmed up from the fast walk uphill, started to get cold, but I came here for the purpose to greet his majesty, the Sun. The sky was clear with two bright stars above me (later on I heard on the radio that it was probably Venus or Jupiter). The half moon was shined on the other side, which looked like it was just walking distance from the stars. From time to time, airplanes lifted off from San Francisco and Oakland airports and flew in different directions. Even small robins that usually peak from the ground, seemed like they were still asleep. The only sounds I could hear was a constant roar from far away. I just stood and observed the changing light, and from time to time, I lifted my camera to capture a moment. When I looked down on the ground I noticed a small black square. I lifted it up and saw it was a pendant with a beautiful image of a small flower. Someone lost it or left it for me. Later on I noticed the open chain it fell from. The scene was very serene and meditative.
Recently, someone asked me how to meditate. I know of a few different ways. I often meditate in the morning. Whenever I wake up early enough. I sit for 15 minutes with my eyes closed eyes and listen to a guided meditation recording. I found out that being at the top of a mountain waiting for 40 minutes for the sun to rise, is the best form of meditation. Simply being in the moment, and knowing that regardless of what will happen in the world, or which proposition is going to pass on elections, the sun will come up and the light will replace the darkness. I like the words in a poem written by the Russian poet Vladimir Soloukhin, “Everything is happening in life first time: the first love and first departure”, and the poet lists other things which we experience for the first time, and then asks the question, “Then what is left?” and answers, “The joy of the anticipation”.

I’ve been to the top of Mount Davidson countless times, and have seen and photographed the sunrise. But every time I am here, or any place where I can observe the magic of the sun coming out, I experience the joy of the anticipation.
P.S. My photographs cannot convey the feeling. You have to come here to have your own experience of anticipation. As I offered in the past, you are welcome to join me, just be ready to get up early. Meanwhile enjoy and share.
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