Have you ever wondered why turkey is the traditional meal on the Thanksgiving table? The common tale is that after the colonists arrived in Plymouth in 1621 and had their first harvest, they expressed their gratitude to God by having a turkey for their feast, since turkeys were plentiful in the fields.
No one really knows what the pilgrims ate during the celebration. However millions of people have chosen to follow the tradition. As it turns out, this is likely just a legend.
To make my point, let me share with you another turkey story.
A husband noticed that that his wife cuts both ends of the turkey before putting it into the oven. When he asked her why, she referred him to her mother, who, in turn, sent him to her mother. When he asked Granny, she said that when she was growing up, her mom had a small pot. For the turkey to fit in, she cut both ends. And so it goes. Both of those stories demonstrate how often we believe in stories and try to convince others without finding the source.
By the time I am writing this story, Thanksgiving is over and the turkey has been digested. Though during some Thanksgiving gatherings, some families had difficulty digesting the results of the recent election of our 45th President-elect, Donald Trump.
Fortunately for all of us, Thanksgiving is followed with “Black Friday”, during which people of different beliefs and affiliations pursue the same goal. As a bottom line, we all want the same – give presents and receive them, preferably while buying them at the discounted price.
The term “Black Friday” was coined in the 1960s to mark the kick off of the holiday shopping season. “Black” refers to stores moving from the “red” to “black” at the time when records were written by hand and red ink indicated loss and black – profit.
The “Black Friday” tradition crossed the boundaries of the United States and is now followed in other countries as well.
For me, “Black Friday” offered the opportunity “to shop” with my camera, since I needed the right images for this story, though I also contributed to the economy by buying a pair of new jeans at 50% off the price.
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P.S. As you know by now, my photo-story book, “42 Encounters in San Francisco” is ready. My goal is for more people to enjoy it. And perhaps, to make it a best seller on Amazon! I could use your help. Next Friday, December 9th please log on to Amazon.com and buy the book and use social media to encourage others to do the same. It is a marvelous gift for the coming holidays and other occasions. Start your personal collection. I guarantee you will enjoy it very much, and if it will not help you smile, please return it for a full refund. I am grateful to you in advance.
P.P.S. A letter from one of my early readers:
“As an immigrant who calls San Francisco home, I have enjoyed reading your book and its pictures very much. The book has captured the never ending colorful moments of San Francisco spectacularly and the little timeless stories just make this book delightful.
I look forward to sharing your book with friends and family who visit and would like to place an order for 20 copies to gift to my very San Franciscan clients this holiday season.
Thank you, Manny, for loving San Francisco and keeping it alive and authentic”
Kajal Pashmi
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