Seek for seeds of victory in every defeat.”–Chinese Proverb

At the end of my last email, I wrote about our next trip to Cuba and invited you to join us. What has happened is that you received the draft before the final version–thus you discovered the secret of my “Good News” email production.
Usually, I pick up an idea or read about something that I think might interest you. Then I write it by hand on the back of recycled paper (to save trees). Sometimes, I do it after work at home, or in a coffee shop, or even when I get inspired on the napkins in restaurants. Sometimes, I rewrite it with more current ideas, especially related to mortgages. My assistant, Samantha, types out my scribbles, I check and make corrections, and it is emailed to my daughter Tamar who lives in L.A. She is a good writer and makes stylish grammar recommendations. Then, I choose photos to support the weekly theme. Samantha puts everything together and every Friday morning you are sent my “Good News”.
Since I wanted to bring your attention to our trip to Cuba, this gives me an opportunity to email you again with the corrected revision:
After browsing through the Smithsonian magazine, my wife Elfa, asked me if I want to go to Cuba again and I immediately said, “Yes!”, but it is pricey. I also remembered that awhile ago I saw a website talking about jazz trips to Cuba. On the web, I found, an organization located in Vancouver, Canada that offers educational tours to Cuba and has many monthly trips including one for 9 days this year, on December 15-23. You can find more information at
Will you join us? My list is growing. I already have 10 referrals and each has their significant other and friends. Let’s have fun together!
Now let’s talk about mortgages.
Let me share with you how we recently helped Rachel refinance her loan and the screw-ups we had to deal with. Mistakes are often a result of misinformation. Rachel worked for a non-profit organization that helps sick people whom she visits during the day. In 2010 and 2011, she was able to use her job related expenses to lower her taxable income by filing an IRS 2106 form. In 2012, she changed companies and her new employer reimburses her for the expenses, which then increases her take home income.
When we submitted her loan to a lender, it was turned down because of the “losses”–deductions based on the IRS 2103 in the previous two years. Her new paystub showed that she received reimbursements, but we did not yet have her 2012 tax returns. In my book, “The Mortgage Game: The 5 C’s and How to Connect Them”, I write that the mortgage industry lost the 6th C–Common Sense. Knowing the problem, we discussed it with another bank and were assured that it would not be a problem. Guess what? The loan was declined again. We did not despair and since as mortgage brokers, we can work with many different banks, the loan was submitted to a third one–and this time it went through. I describe many stories and solutions like that in my new forthcoming book “Mortgage Solutions for Smart People: 5 Easy Ways to Get Your Loan Approved”.
Someone asked me if there are many bicyclists in Havana. I did see and photographed a few but not as many as in some other countries. But there are many three-wheel, two seater taxis, pedaled by very friendly tricyclists.

I am not sure if you care very much, but I misspelled the name of the Venezuelan president, his name is Hugo Chavez. Since my email, he has returned to Cuba, and still has difficulty to talk; but, it was also reported that he requested his diplomats to seek the ways to improve the relationship with the United States.
Is Cuba next?