When I was growing up in Riga, Latvia, March 8th was an official holiday called International Women’s Day. I remember the first gift I gave to my mother on that day. I was probably about eight or nine. Somehow I was able to save enough money to buy her a chocolate bar. For some reason I still remember how it looked and tasted (it was my favorite brand). It seems that in the United States the gift giving to women moved to the Valentine’s Day, which became more commercialized. Both holidays are focused on women for different reasons.
International Women’s Day started in Russia out of a massive demonstration that took place on the eve of the Russian Revolution in 1917. It was a protest against the deteriorating living conditions, a lack of basic food supplies and the shortage of goods. A majority of the demonstrators were women. In commemoration of this demonstration, since 1922, the Soviet Union has celebrated Women’s Day on February 23rd (or on March 8th, according to the Gregorian Calendar). Until the mid 1970s, it was primarily celebrated in socialist countries. In December 1977, the General Assembly adopted a resolution proclaiming a “United Nations Day for Women’s rights and International Peace to be observed on any day of the year by Member States, in accordance with their historical and national traditions.” As of 2014 IWD is celebrated in more than 100 countries.
Actually the events that led to the 1917 protests started earlier. In some accounts, there was a demonstration in 1907 when about 15,000 women working in needle and textile marched through New York City.
On February 28, 1909 the first Women’s Day was held across the United States. A year later, The Second International Conference of Women was held in Copenhagen during which it was suggested to have an “International Woman’s Day”. Over a hundred years later, the position of women in society all over the world has changed. Women became head of certain countries, like Golda Meir who was elected Prime Minister of Israel on March 17, 1969.
Today there are thirteen countries in the world with a female as the head of state. Online I found the list of the 15 top female tech entrepreneurs who are “blazing the way for the many generations of female start-up founders who are sure to follow.”
I am blessed to have been surrounded by strong women all of my life. Thanks to my wife Elfa and our daughters Alona and Tamar, I became who I am today, what I am very happy to share with you.
P.S. In spite of the progress, the Women’s Marches and Protests continue with the new messages. Some of them took place in San Francisco, where I was able to capture four images to share with you.
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