Recently there were two articles about the water (or lack of it) that caught my attention. The first one appeared in the San Francisco Chronicle on Wednesday, February 21, 2018 titled “California plans ban on waste of water”, written by Kurtis Alexander. It starts: “Sprinklers that splash more water onto the sidewalk than the lawn, which have increasingly drawn scornful looks in drought-distressed California, are about to be banned forever. Same goes for hosing down a driveway or patio, or washing a car with a garden-variety hose.” If the regulation by the State Water Resources Control Board will pass wasting water could trigger a $500.00 fine. This can be a good idea to help all of us to save more water and keep the cost down. We can blame the rainless winter or Global Warming, or the President of the United States, or God, this will not change anything – our conservation will. For instance, taking shorter showers or turning off the water while applying shampoo and conditioner, can help with water conservation.
One of the major consumers of water is the agricultural industry. And in this area, California with the thirsty population close to 40 million is cooperating with Israel, a small country with the population of about 8 million. Online I found out that “Israel plans to recycle 95% of its waste water for irrigation purposes by the end of 2025.” One of the examples of the cooperation between California and Israel is the 1 billion water desalination plant Israel’s IDE Technologies is building to provide 50 million gallons of water daily in San Diego area. This bring us to the next article which appeared the following day, Thursday, February 22, 2018 in The Wall Street Journal written by Seth M. Siegel titled “Cape Town May Dry Up Because of an Aversion to Israel”. Turns out that “Cape Town, South Africa, has designated July 9 ‘Day Zero’. That’s when water taps throughout the city are expected to go dry, marking the culmination of a three-year drought. South African officials aren’t responsible for the lack of rain, but inept management and a devotion to anti-Israel ideology needlessly made the situation worse.”
The article continues, “Israeli Foreign Ministry recognized the problem and alerted national, provincial and local governments in South Africa. Israel has trained water technicians in more than 100 countries, and it offered to bring in desalination experts to help South Africa.” Instead, because “The leadership of South Africa’s dominant political party, the African National Congress, aligns itself with the Palestinian cause.” South Africans turned to Iran for help. “Unlike Israel, Iran is not known for its water-management expertise. Anger over water shortages was a feature of the recent Iranian protests. Even before the South African visit, a former Iranian agriculture minister predicted that as many as 50 million Iranians – around two-thirds of the population – would need to be uprooted because of growing water scarcity.”
In life we all make choices. When it comes to water, be wise – save.
P.S. Since we see water everywhere, often we do not notice it. Therefore I am sharing with you four images of water which might surprise and delight you.
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