“Being An Artist Is A Labor Of Love”

Since prehistoric times, people have expressed their creativity by drawing on walls. Over the years, not only have artists’ skills and materials improved, but also, the number of walls have increased. During the Renaissance, it was common for famous artists to paint murals inside of churches and cathedrals. During the 1930s, the well-known Mexican muralist Diego Rivera was commissioned to paint huge murals on the walls of the Rockefeller Center in New York. In San Francisco, Rivera also completed two frescos. One is in the San Francisco Art Institute and the other is at the San Francisco Stock Exchange. There is also a Diego Rivera-inspired mural by Jane Berlandina, in the Coit Tower on Telegraph Hill. And a mural by Lucien Labaudt in the San Francisco Beach Chalet is located on the Great Highway by the Ocean.
In our times, murals moved out on the streets. Many of them can be seen in the Mission District, which has become a virtual outdoor art gallery. Many artists painted the walls of Balmy Alley located between 24th and 25th Street.

Some artists have been commissioned by the city or building owners to paint some permanent murals, and were lucky to be compensated for their artistic expressions. But there is another group of young graffiti artists, who like to express themselves just by drawing elaborative and beautiful graffiti with cans of paint without any compensation. On September 18-20 Mission Art 415 celebrated the 28th Anniversary of Spraycan Art, which took place in the Mission District. Owners of the buildings on the three blocks of Osaga, Lilee, and Cypress streets between 22nd Street and 24th Street, agreed to have their walls and fences to be used as canvases for mural artists. I spent a few hours on Sunday, just seeing how a dull wall or garage door was transformed into work of art before my eyes. The artists are not paid, and after their work is completed, another artist can come with his spray paint and cover up their previous work to create his own new canvas. It is a remarkable cooperation and mutual courtesy. One artist told me that he started doing graffiti art in 1996, as a very young man. He works as a sales person for a big corporation during the day, and, as he said, lives a double life. It seems that being a graffiti artist is really labor of love.
P.S. It was difficult to choose only 4 images from so many I photographed on that hot day. Artists were really sweating while painting, while I stood in the shade to create my artistic expression. Enjoy and share with a friend.
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