“Abraham is revered as the father of three religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Unfortunately, his children forget that they are brothers and sisters.”
“You shall be a father of a multitude of nations.” Genesis 17:4
And then one day God said to Abraham:
“Please take your son—your only one, whom you love, Isaac, and bring him as an offering.” Genesis 22:2
This request obviously did not make any sense, but what is fascinating later on, it is said:
“And the two of them went together.” Genesis 22:6
Father and son walked together to their unknown destiny, where both of them were partners in the test.
I thought about this when on a trip to New York, I photographed a man and a boy in an over-sized jacket walking together.

One of the ways to save on gym fees
However, in these modern times, many of my clients have different circumstances. I refinanced a mortgage for a man who takes care of his two little children after his wife left them. I also helped a gay male couple buy a new home, both of whom work and raise their children together.

Joy of fatherhood is immeasurable
I am blessed to have two daughters who love and respect me, and we celebrate our wonderful relationship all the time. And I know other families who have this blessed relationship.
Father’s gift is to help his wife shop
A friend of mine, Johanna Forman, a great architect who designed the interior of my new office (you may reach her at [email protected]), told me about her recent visit to her father, who lives in Maine. With great pride, she shared that he was one of the first African American fighter pilots who served in the Korean War. After the war, he went on to develop some of the first computers, and until now at the wise age of 82, he still enjoys a good life and gives his daughter investment advice.
I think the best gift one can give to his or her father is to share with the world the pride and love they have for one who gave them their life.
Do not keep me as a secret.