As I wrote in the previous week, we were on vacation at the Meadow Lake Resort – located in Columbia Falls, in the Northwestern part of Montana. Our timeshare condominium was on the ground floor, facing a beautiful golf course.
I do not play golf, but I enjoy walking on golf courses.
I usually like to go early in the morning, at about 7 am, when there is not a soul around, and there is no danger of getting hit by a flying golf ball. Most golf courses are developed in a natural setting or are man-made, with rolling hills, trees and ponds – which attract different kinds of birds who fly or jump from branch to branch; singing their morning songs. Listening to them, I was reminded of my morning commute to work. After I take our puppy Max to his doggy day care sitter, at about 9 am I usually turn on the public radio station to listen to the short program called “Birds Notes”. Every time I listen, there are very interesting stories about birds as well as recordings of them chirping and singing.
One advantage of being on a golf course is that, I can listen to the birds directly from the source, and if I am lucky, to photograph them flying.
The air was crisp, with a little bit of the morning’s chill. Since the tourist season usually starts there in June, and it was too early for the players to be out anyway; I had the whole course to myself, except for a few maintenance workers, who were getting the course ready for the few expected golfers.
Golf is a remarkable sport. It is very costly to build a course and to maintain it. As a result, only those, who have significant financial means can afford to play the game regularly and to belong to exclusive golf country clubs. In spite of that, according to, the number of people who played golf over 12 months in 2017, numbered close to 26 million players. Were you among those millions? I was not, nevertheless I am glad that the sport exists and that I can enjoy my morning walks.
P.S: The golf course was surrounded by large private vacant homes, that will presumably be filled in the summer.
I met only one woman who was walking her dog. There was nothing whimsical about her, to bring your attention to my photo-story book “42 Encounters with Dog Lovers”, which you can pre-order on
I am expecting to receive my first copy next week and the rest of the books will be available in the middle of July. Meanwhile, enjoy these four of images that I took at the golf course.
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Smile And Please SHARE It With A Friend!