Like Fish in the Water
You probably heard the expression “Like fish in the water”, which means the condition most of us are in, the comfort zone (regardless of our circumstances). And what happens when the fish is taken out of its familiar environment, the water? Some people did just that and as a result, we have companies like Microsoft, Google, Tesla and others.
According to the article in “Scientific American”, this process started 375 million years ago. At that time there was some type of fish, who for whatever reasons, decided to get out. At least this is one of the scientific explanations of how fish evolved into monkeys, and they, in turn, into us – Homo Sapiens, which in Latin means “wise man”.
I heard a story about one of these wise men, who owned fish from the ocean. He kept it in a fish tank, and every day had to drive to the ocean to replace water. Since he was a wise man, he decided to teach his fish to live in the tap water, and after he succeeded, he taught the fish to live without water, and after he succeeded, he trained the fish to walk, and after he succeeded he took the fish on the leash for a walk by the koi fish pond. It was after the rain. The fish slipped, fell into the pond and drowned. Of course, this is a joke. Koi are colorful fish of the Amur carp breeds, which usually can be found in the water gardens, where I encountered them in Maui. You can read more of my jokes in my latest book “42 Encounters with Laughter”.
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