Fridays with Manny



By the power vested in me alone, I proclaim the year 2025 to be the Year of Sharing. It is a common practice to set New Year Goals. And it is also a common practice to forget about them shortly after January1st.

Therefore, I do not call them goals; but rather, intentions. And many of them are combinations of practices I started previously. For example, in 2024 I lowered my weight to a comfortable 174 lb. I also started daily stretching exercises.

Thus, my intentions are to continue certain routines. Nevertheless, I wrote down seven intentions which I will have in front of me every day.

And since 2025 is a very special Year of Sharing, I will share them with you:

To maintain my weight of about 174 lb;

To work out/stretch daily;

To read 52 books (one book a week);

To publish two photo books;

To have three family vacations;

To develop educational marketing programs;

To assist 97 people in getting mortgages

In my list, I deliberately positioned my business intentions, last. Since to enable me to help others, I first need to concentrate on myself.

In one of my photo books, that is going to be ready in January, called “Reflections. The Healing Images”, I am sharing a way to help your well-being through combining spirituality, beauty and healing. You are welcome to order my other books on Amazon.

Meanwhile, enjoy and share three images from the above book!
