Fridays with Manny


The differences and similarities
between people and weeds

After I posted images of weeds a few weeks ago, some of my readers liked them and wanted to see more. That led to this story.

We have a beautiful backyard in our house with many flowers. However, lately, because of problems with my knees, it has been challenging for me to remove weeds, which grow everywhere. When I finally called our landscaper, it took three people the whole day to clean them up. By definition, any plant growing where it is not wanted is a weed. And some weeds can have quite beautiful flowers. If this is the case, then why to get rid of them?

The answer depends on what type of garden we would like to have. And this is where the similarity with people comes in. There are people who perceive how the garden must look to feel and function. However, there are some who do not like the garden. They act as weeds – covering the surface and if they are tolerated, after a while it is very difficult to get rid of them, since they spread their roots.

While it is almost impossible to change the nature of the weeds, I believe that people can change. Ten years ago, I read a story about the leader of the Anti-Semitic Party in Hungary who finds out that he’s Jewish. This changed who he was and his values.

I am a perpetual optimist and believe that the change can come through education. Of course, there is always an exception: when weeds become beautiful art. As you can see in these three images.

Enjoy and Share with a Friend!
