Golf, as a majority of sports, has four basic aspects: the players, the equipment, the field, and of course the fans. The fifth one is the business aspect, which is probably what is behind making any sport activity. I do not play golf and do not care about people swinging clubs, but I like golf courses very much. Many resorts are developed in the proximity to a golf course. Some enthusiasts travel long distances just to play a few rounds.
I am writing this story after walking along one of the most luxurious golf courses I have ever visited. It was designed by Arnold Palmer, and our time share, which I wrote about last week, was located right on the course. If you play golf, the focus is on the small ball, which depending on your skills, will fly to a distant spot, when struck by a golf club. However, for many it is not only a recreational sport, but also a social excursion. A friend of mine, who used to be a big shot at Bank of America, had to learn how to play golf to enable him to bond with prospective clients. Many important deals have been sealed on golf courses, and many sports medicine doctors, in particular chiropractors, make their living from this wonderful sport, as do the developers and operators of golf courses.
It is generally widely believed that the game of golf originated in in the Netherlands during the middle ages. From there, it spread to the United Kingdom in the late 19th century, and eventually to the United States. I found a fascinating article about golf’s history in Wikipedia. Often Exclusive private golf clubs are designed for those who have very deep pockets, with waiting lists, but there are exceptions to the rules, like the beautifully appointed golf course in Lincoln Park in San Francisco. Regardless if you play golf or not, you might be able to enjoy your time on golf courses, as I did.
P.S. While staying at the resort, I would get up early and by 6.30-7am, I would go for a walk along the golf course. It was still chilly, and not a soul in the vicinity. The grass was wet from the dew, the sun was coming out from behind the trees, greeted by the chirping birds. Pelicans, who slept by the lake, woke up alerted by my approach. And since there were no players, the whole course belonged to me. Four images are not enough to share the beauty and the joy which filled my heart while I was there.
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