The Good News with Manny

Best Lines of Credit

Are you among thousands of homeowners who benefited from the low interest rates on their home mortgages? Do you need extra money to pay off high interest credit cards or for any other needs? One of the possible solutions is to get l/c – line of credit or second mortgage, without touching the first mortgage. Last week we had a presentation of Stacie Cappadona of Spring EQ who shared her company’s second loans and lines of credit options.

We have other lenders who offer similar products, however, the uniqueness here is that Spring EQ can go up to 95% CLTV — combined loan-to-value (the first loan plus the second). They lend on 1–4-unit buildings and as well as the rental properties. Another unique feature can be when during the purchase transaction instead of getting (or not getting) jumbo loan with 10% down payment, which has limited options, to apply for two loans simultaneously. We recently helped to finance purchase of the house for $1,800,000. Buyers had only $200,000. We structured the first loan as conforming — $1,149,850. The second was $470,150 and the down payment was just $180,000. The remaining $20,000 covered closing costs, and there was no need for the reserves.

Follow this link to watch and listen to a fragment of our discussion. And, as usual, please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have on the subject: (415) 225-7920; [email protected].

Manny Kagan,
Pacific Bay Financial Corporation

NMLS #205637
DRE #00824602

*Photo: GettyImages

Fridays With Manny



There are two holidays that relate to everyone, regardless of their personal differences. One of them is Father’s Day, which is celebrated on the third Sunday in June, that will fall on June 16, this year. And Mother’s Day, falling on Sunday, May 12, this year.

There is a very interesting modern history behind both holidays; however, honoring parents goes back to Ancient Greece and Rome. More precisely, it goes back to the Commandments in the Bible, where “Honor thy Father and Mother” is mentioned twice. No doubt that the Hallmark Corporation is responsible for the popularity of both celebrations in our times.

However, this year, you have an incredible opportunity to celebrate Mother’s Day in the Pop-Up Market, which will take place in the wine bar “Grape in the Fog”. Please follow this link for details. There you will meet a group of very talented female artists and will have the opportunity to try some sweet and savory bites, and of course taste some wine. I found out about this event from one of my clients, Beth, who is the owner of the bar. She asked me if I would like to bring some of my photo-books as potential gifts for mothers. You can see book covers here. You can also order them on Amazon.

Enjoy and Share!


The Good News with Manny

You Can Get Insurance Coverage, But…

Last week I recorded a conversation with the insurance broker Alex Shkolnikov about current state of the Insurance business. After the interview I received many questions. Therefore, I invited Alex back to find out what are the clients’ options and to share his thoughts with my website readers and YouTube viewers.

You are probably aware that many major insurance companies left California. That means that if someone needs new insurance policy on the purchase or to renew the existing one, the process even to get a quote might take as long as two months. This creates issues, especially for the purchase transactions. We cannot qualify the client before we know how much the monthly insurance will cost. At the same time real estate agents need to write purchase transactions for the closing by a specific date. And what if there is no insurance policy yet? And what if the client is not qualified with a higher monthly insurance cost?

So, what is the good news? I lived all my life following the adage “Where there is a will, there is a way.” I will keep you posted.

Meanwhile you can reach Alex at (415) 819-8006. His email address is [email protected].

And if you have questions regarding mortgage, please contact me:
cell: (415) 225-7920;
email: [email protected].

Enjoy and share  with a friend!

Manny Kagan,
Pacific Bay Financial Corporation

NMLS #205637
DRE #00824602

Fridays with Manny


Why Dogs Live Less Than Humans

I received this story from a friend and decided to share it with you in its entirety.

The surprising answer of a six-year-old child

Being a veterinarian, I had been called to examine a ten-year-old Irish Wolfhound named Belker. The dog’s owners, Ron, his wife Lisa, and their little boy Shane, were all very attached to Belker, and they were hoping for a miracle.

I examined Belker and found he was dying of cancer. I told the family we couldn’t do anything for Belker and offered to perform the euthanasia procedure for the old dog in their home. As we made arrangements, Ron and Lisa told me they thought it would be good for six-year-old Shane to observe the procedure. They felt as though Shane might learn something from the experience. The next day, I felt the familiar catch in my throat as Belker’s family surrounded him. Shane seemed so calm, petting the old dog for the last time, that I wondered if he understood what was going on. Within a few minutes, Belker slipped peacefully away.

The little boy seemed to accept Belker’s transition without any difficulty or confusion. We sat together for a while after Belker’s Death, wondering aloud about the sad fact that dogs’ lives are shorter than human lives. Shane, who had been listening quietly, piped up,” I know why.” Startled, we all turned to him. What came out of his mouth next stunned me. I’d never heard a more comforting explanation. It has changed the way I try and live.

He said, “People are born so that they can learn how to live a good life — like loving everybody all the time and being nice, right?” The six-year-old continued, “Well, dogs already know how to do that, so they don’t have to stay for as long as we do.”

Live simply.
Love generously.
Care deeply.
Speak kindly.

Remember, if a dog was the teacher, you would learn things like:

  • When your loved ones come home, always run to greet them.
  • Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride.
  • Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure ecstasy.
  • Take naps.
  • Stretch before rising.
  • Run, romp, and play daily.
  • Thrive on attention and let people touch you.
  • Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.
  • On warm days, stop to lie on your back on the grass.
  • On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree.
  • When you’re happy, dance around and wag your entire body.
  • Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.
  • Be faithful.
  • Never pretend to be something you’re not.
  • If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.
  • When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by, and nuzzle them gently.

That’s the secret of happiness that we can learn from a good dog.”

Our best friend, labradoodle Max, is going to be seven in June, which can be the middle age for dogs. I used his images in three of my “42 Encounters” books, which you can find on Amazon.

Enjoy and Share!


The Good News with Manny

Where There Is a Wish, There Is a Way

You probably heard an expression “Where there is a wish, there is a way”. The question is “How much this way will cost?” This question directly relates to the cost of insurance. When recently my insurance policy came to the point of renewal, I had a concern. I knew that State Farm Insurance stopped “writing” policies in California. Fortunately, perhaps, since we did not have any claims, it was extended. The cost obviously went up. But I did not care, since if my insurance broker had to shop for another company, the price of the insurance probably would go even higher.

One of the concerns we have in the mortgage brokerage is how the increase in the monthly insurance premium affects the qualifying ratio. This was the reason why I decided to interview an insurance broker Alex Shkolnikov. We just scratched the surface. Follow this link to watch our conversation on my YouTube channel.

Please always feel free to call or text me at (415) 225-7920 when someone you care about needs an insurance. You can also email me: [email protected]. Alex can be reached at (415) 819-8006 or at [email protected]

Best wishes,

Manny Kagan,
Pacific Bay Financial Corporation

NMLS #205637
DRE #00824602

Fridays with Manny



I fell in love with San Francisco since the first days we moved here on August 19, 1980. Five members of our family – my wife and two of our daughters aged 5 and 12, my wife’s mother, and I, spent our first night in an “inexpensive” hotel located on Leavenworth and Eddy in the heart of the Tenderloin district. Looking out the window at night, we saw pimps, prostitutes and their customers in action. The next day, holding our children’s hands tight, we went to Market Street where we saw many people who talked to themselves (this was long before mobile phones).

It took us some time to get to know what San Francisco and its diverse people all were about. And my love for our city became deeper. Lately, we read a lot of negative comments about San Francisco. I do not want to diminish the real problems; but, like every city, it has history. It started on January 30th, 1847, one hundred years before I was born, with the population of 459. The Gold Rush brought thousands of primarily young men to the place where there was nothing, I mean nothing. And believe me, they had more problems than you can imagine, especially in comparison with today’s reality.

I just finished reading “Antebellum and Civil War San Francisco: A Western Theater for Northern & Southern Politics” written by Monika Trobits. The book describes many events and personalities who influenced the creation of our beloved city. Basically, whatever the problems, this too shall pass, which is the adage of Persian origin:

This too, Shall Pass

When things are bad, remember,
It won’t always be this way.
Take one day at a time.
When things are good, remember,
It won’t always be this way.
Enjoy every great moment.

Recently, when I was at a business meeting in the South of Market, I came across the indication that things are getting better – a brand new restaurant, STK Steakhouse, which looked impressive. These three images posted above will tell the story better.

Enjoy and Share!



The Good News with Manny

You Can Buy Before You Sell

There is a number of loans in our arsenal which allow clients to buy a new property before selling the old one.

Recently, we had a presentation in our office by David Olsen from The Loan Store, who offered different new twists to the old story. Please click on this link to watch a fragment of our conversation with David.

…He used an example where departing/selling property value was $1,000,000 with the mortgage of $500,000. In this case, the lender will take 25% off, thus the balance is $750,000 minus $500,000 leaving $250,000 for the down payment or any other needs. This loan does not have monthly payments, and the only cost for the client is 2.4% or $24,000 which is going to be deducted when the property is sold.

We, mortgage brokers, do not earn any commission on this transaction. The remaining amount is going to be used for the down payment on the purchase of the new property, which will follow a normal underwriting guidance, for which it has to be qualified…

Feel free to call me with any questions, and I promise to help!

Manny Kagan,
Pacific Bay Financial Corporation
(415) 225-7920
[email protected] 

NMLS #205637
DRE #00824602

The Good News with Manny

New Learning Opportunities
Have Arrived!

About 18 months ago, I started a project called Money Solutions Academy (MSA) as an educational video series on YouTube. Until today, those videos were primarily targeting the real estate agents community, for whom I wanted to open more opportunities to reach out to more clients – with creative mortgage solutions.

As I was progressing through, the idea to expand this information to the mortgage brokers community was growing in my mind. Though I’ve been a mortgage broker for over forty years, there are not many young people who have joined our industry. Therefore, I was very pleased when Iryna Haras called me and asked me to teach her how to become a mortgage broker.

In the past I had a course where I taught many students some of whom still make a good living in the mortgage business. This time I decided to simplify the process and to use my time more productively. We are going to work on the real cases of my clients and teach through the experience, which we will be recording and showing through MSA (aka Mortgage Solutions Academy) on YouTube.  I also decided to write a new book as a companion to the course – “Mortgage Solutions for Smart People™. How to Connect 5 P’s.”  

5 P’s = People + Property + Product + Players + Process

The first post in the new series of my videos is about mortgages for the condominiums and about the differences between Warrantable and Non-Warrantable condos, and how this affects the final result in getting and qualifying for the mortgage.

So, please click on this link to watch, enjoy and share this video.

Manny Kagan,
Pacific Bay Financial Corporation

NMLS #205637
DRE #00824602




Fridays with Manny



Last Sunday, I received Happy Easter wishes from a friend (a client whom I recently helped to get a reverse mortgage). She is Catholic and I am Jewish and do not celebrate Easter. Nevertheless, my granddaughter was happy to find Easter eggs in her backyard.

The holiday commemorates the story of death and resurrection of a little-known Jewish preacher from the North of Israel, over two thousand years ago. Online I learned that Easter was first recorded in the year 384, and by the 10th century, it had gained general usage.

It took many years, different interpretations, and the infusion of Pagan traditions of bunnies and eggs, as well as Hallmark promotions, for this holiday to become popular. Regardless of what your religious beliefs are, one thing is for sure – every spring, a resurrection of nature occurs. It is manifested by the beautiful flower blooms, and young leaves on the trees.

As I am writing this story, I look into our garden where beautiful Calla lilies show their glory. You can see many of them in Golden Gate Park, by the Chinese Pavilion at Blue Heron Lake (formerly Stow Lake). Meanwhile, please enjoy these three images from our garden.

If you like flowers and would like to enjoy new ones every week, you can still order “53 Reminders:2024 Weekly Calendar” on Amazon. 

Enjoy and Share!






Fridays with Manny



If you would ask our Labradoodle Max “Why do you love?”, and if he could respond in words, his answer might be, “I do not understand your question”, because Max’s purpose in life is to love. Meanwhile, humans are different creatures. And sometimes we forget that love can cure many problems.

Years ago, I had a business coach, who instructed me to stand in front of the mirror every day after waking up, and to repeat “I love myself” many times. It is a very important and powerful lesson, especially in our time when many young (and not so young) people express their feelings, which are opposite to love (I purposely do not mention these words), dividing the world into “us and them”, where “them” is a reflection of our own self. There was a reason why in the Bible it is written, “You have heard that it was said, “Love your neighbor and hate your enemy”. But I tell you, love your enemy and pray for those” (Matthew 5:43-48). But I question if those who express their feelings through social media and demonstrations blame others regardless of political affiliation, color of the skin, religion, gender or even the country they live in, read the Bible. Therefore, I would like to recommend reading The Surprising Health Benefits of Love”, which I came across while browsing the web.

If you need love or would like to give love to someone, it is a good reason to get hold of my book “42 Encounters with Love”. It is available for purchase at this link. Read it yourself and share it with those you really care about. In the meantime, please spare a moment to read this poem from my forthcoming book “42 Encounters with Illumination”:


I cannot be myself
Unless I share myself with others.
That is an eternal message
Which I received some time ago.
This message became my life’s mission.
It helps me to understand
What life is all about,
Who am I, and why I am here,
In this place and time.
What it takes to be
The son, the brother and the husband,
Father, friend, co-worker,
Man or woman, child and the older person.
Only when I realized that I am part of all these people
Who fill my life, and whom I love,
I was able to find myself.

Expression of Love can be found everywhere, as you can see from the three images I’ve chosen to illustrate this post.

Enjoy and Share!
