Fridays with Manny


Be Grateful and Celebrate!

4th of July, which celebrates the United States’ Independence Day, is a joyful day with barbecues, fireworks and summer sales.

The holiday falls on Thursday this year, so many will use this opportunity to take a longer vacation. But do we remember (or know) why we celebrate Independence Day?

I decided to check online to learn more about who were the people who in 1776 laid down the foundation to build the greatest country in the world, for which I am grateful to be its citizen. Initially, there were twelve Founding Fathers with Thomas Jefferson, who wrote the first draft of the Declaration of Independence.

The process of separating from England was not easy for the thirteen colonies, that later became states, and there were disagreements among the 56 men whose signature appeared on the historic document.

And as in our time, over the following 248 years, different people had their own opinions and feelings of what is right and what is not, which even resulted in the Civil War. During these joyful days, let’s focus on what unites us and express our gratitude.

Enjoy the three images of the fireworks!



Fridays with Manny


Slow down, take a look around.
You’ll feel better.

The article under this title written by Robert Manning, appeared in the Insight section of the San Francisco Chronicle on Sunday, June 2, 2024. As the title eludes, it is about walking in nature. Lately, I have been watching many videos on YouTube on the subject “How to die young at old age”. Most of the authors recommend walking as the best form of exercise, after age 65.

One of the experts is Sanjay Gupta, MD, who among other things is an author of “Keep Sharp. Build a Better Brain at Any Age.” Somehow, I was not surprised, but one of his pieces of advice of how to keep our brain young was walking. The article points out that “Walking also helps slow the pace of time.” One of the ways to create a habit of walking is to have a dog.

It is evening and we just came back from a walk in Golden Gate Park, which we try to do every day as long as there is light outside. In the morning, I take Max for a walk in our neighborhood. So, I am getting my share of walking.

If you decide to get a dog as your walking companion, I strongly recommend my book 42 Encounters with Dog Lovers. In addition to the whimsical images, you will find lots of advice on how to help yourself enjoy having an obedient dog.

Meanwhile, please enjoy these three images from the book…

…and share this story with a Friend!



Fridays with Manny


How to See the Beauty and Appreciate It

I decided to write this essay after photographing beautiful dry grass, which in a previous life was a weed in my garden. We are surrounded by beauty, but do we notice it? Sure, according to the saying “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”, but then why some people do not see or appreciate beauty?


A well-known photographer Ernst Haas once said, “A picture is the expression of an impression. If the beautiful were not in us, how would we ever recognize it?”

We are surrounded by the beautiful nature, beautiful people and beautiful human creations. What some people do not realize is that our eyes serve only as the lens of the camera. The actual camera is in our brain. To see the beauty, you just need to change the picture of how you think and see the world around you, and then your eyes will see it as beautiful.

Meanwhile, enjoy the three images of the beautiful weeds and share with a friend!





The Good News with Manny


Most of the home buyers these days are familiar with the conventional way to qualify for the mortgage. You need to show the source of the money for the down payment, have sufficient income to qualify from the reliable sources like employment, and to have decent credit score and a minimum amount of debts. However, what if you are self employed and do not report your income conventional way?

To accomplish this type of the borrowers, lenders come up with alternative programs, where income is calculated from the alternative sources, like 12- or 24-month bank statement, or only P&L (Profit and Loss) for one year, or only Form 1099. All of these options are offered by the variety of mortgage banks where each has their own nuances for the underwriting.

We recently had a presentation at our office delivered by one of the banks. Their representative didn’t want to be recorded, so I will share with you some of the details by myself on my YouTube channel.

Manny Kagan,
Pacific Bay Financial Corporation

(415) 225-7920; || [email protected]

NMLS #205637
DRE #00824602

Fridays with Manny



I like to write things down. As a result, I’ve saved many notebooks with different writings through the years. Yesterday, I was browsing through some of them and came across one with affirmations I used to write down daily. I will share a short one with you, that I wrote eleven years ago, on 7/10/13:

I am grateful that I can originate loans and generate income.

I am grateful for love I have for Elfa (my wife).

I am grateful that I have the capacity to think and to enjoy life.

After reading these, I decided to resume the practice again, and to write down what I am grateful for on this day, every evening before going to sleep.

The next morning, I went for a walk with Max. During these walks I listen to various podcasts on YouTube. And as the universe was listening to my thoughts, I was presented with You don’t need a doctor if you do this for 3 days from Louise Hay, where she talked about gratitude. I was introduced to her years ago, through reading her books. The key message in them was, “If we are willing to do the mental work, almost anything can be healed”. On YouTube, I found many of her segments, including “Start your day with self-love and gratitude.”

I am grateful that you are reading my stories. I am grateful for the blooming flowers in my garden, which you can see in the three images above.

Enjoy and Share!







Fridays with Manny



A few weeks ago, I reminded you about Father’s Day, which this year is going to be celebrated on Sunday, June 16th. Thanks to Hallmark, we recently celebrated Mother’s Day, as well as Grandmother’s Day and International Women’s Day and Valentine’s Day, even Grandparents’ Day.

I bet you didn’t hear about the last one. Actually, Father’s Day’s is the holiday that was celebrated in catholic countries of Europe as Saint Joseph’s Day since Middle Ages, and nowadays is observed in more than 111 countries.

Okay, it is a common practice to give women– flowers, candies and, of course, cards on their designated days of celebration. Thanks to Hallmark Cards, there are many choices for fathers, as well. I googled Father’s Day gifts and found plenty of choices. I even found one for me – Wireless Headphones for 38 dollars.

However, there can be another gift, which can be appreciated by many fathers, like a book with jokes. Reading jokes and laughing can be one of the best ways to celebrate and to enjoy life in general. That was why I had written and published “42 Encounters with Laughter”.

The best way to order the book and receive it on time with a lovely note from you to your father is to send me an email. Please write your and your father’s name and his mailing address. The cost (including shipping and tax) is $24.00. You can pay with PayPal at [email protected] or by check.

I am posting this essay a week earlier, to give you enough time to order. This book, as all my other books, can be a great gift for birthdays as well, and not only for fathers.

Have a Happy Father’s Day and share this illustrated letter with a friend!


The Good News with Manny

How to Buy Your First Home
with 1% Down Payment

I remember how in April 1984 (forty years ago) we bought our first home for $224,000. Since I just started in the mortgage business six months prior, we were not qualified to get conventional mortgage. We just had $10,000 for the down payment. The seller agreed to carry her loan with interest of 12% for a year, but I needed to get another $30,000 which I borrowed from friends and clients to whom I paid 15%. A year later, we refinanced the loan with World Savings at 9%. Many things have changed since then. We still live in the house.

Today prices are higher, so are salaries. Thanks to a number of creative programs, people can buy their first house or condo for about $790,000 with 1% down payment and 2% second mortgage forgivable after three years and no mortgage insurance. The Program has income limitations, depending on the property location. The total amount which includes down payment, reserves, closing costs and our 1.5% compensation is approximately $30,000. This amount can be a gift from parents or siblings.

Here is a video fragment of the recorded presentation by Brett Scott from WaFd Bank that he delivered during our recent staff meeting.  Our faces occasionally show up in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. Follow this link for more information.

Feel free to contact me on the phone or by email as showing below.

I promise to help!

Manny Kagan,
Pacific Bay Financial Corporation

(415) 225-7920;  ||  [email protected]

NMLS #205637
DRE #00824602

Fridays with Manny



Every religious tradition is based on a story. In Judaism, many of the stories come from the Torah. For instance, it is written that from the second day after the Passover holiday, which celebrates the Jews’ Exodus from Egypt, and their fight for freedom, the Jews count seven weeks, called Omer.

This culminates with the next holiday called Shavuot. During the time of the Temple, it was customary to come to Jerusalem and to bring the crops from the early summer grain (the word “Omer” means “sheaf of barley”). The Temple was destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD, however the tradition of counting Omer continued. And then in 132 AD, during the rebellion of Israelis led by Bar Kohba against the Romans, many Jews were killed. This occurred during the counting of Omer time. Therefore, the 7 weeks of Omer became a time of mourning. In spite of this, rabbis decided to introduce a new tradition. It was announced that on the 33rd day of Omer, there would be a break in the mourning. Instead, it would be a day of joy with barbecues and bonfires to celebrate the Jewish unity and pride. It is the day to have weddings and for children to get their first haircut.

For me, this minor holiday is a good reminder that in our lives there are many events which can cause feelings like mourning. What rabbis taught us is that life goes on, but we do not need to forget others. This is one of the reasons why during a Jewish wedding ceremony it is customary to break a glass. This symbolizes the memory of the destruction of the Holy Temple.

Lighting a bonfire has its own tradition. I do not have photo images of bonfires, instead I am sharing with you these three beautiful images of the fire from a gas burner. Look carefully at the game of fire, I am sure you will find many interesting images there.


Enjoy and Share!


The Good News with Manny


One of the most important concepts of the mortgage loan underwriting is called “paid as agreed”. In other words, lenders need to be convinced that borrowers’ source of income will ensure that. And this can be tricky. It seems that the best guarantee is employees who receive a salary. But what happens if they lose their jobs, as it happened to hundreds who were let go by the large public companies? As a result, lenders constantly seek for the alternative ways to how to calculate clients’ ability to pay on time. These programs are called Non-QM (i.e. non-qualified mortgages, which do not require government scrutiny, and therefore have higher price (interest rate).

One of these options was introduced to us by Debra Kidder-Steere from Newfi Wholesale during our regular staff meeting. Income is calculated based on the funds invested into the retirement account. Thus, if the borrower has $360,000 in IRA or 401K retirement program, this can be translated into$10,000 a month as an income. Follow this link to watch a video recorded during our conversation with Debra.

There are many other ways we can use to qualify borrowers, especially borrowers who have limited (reported) income, like these who are self-employed clients.

Feel free to contact me on the phone or by email provided below.

I promise to help!

Manny Kagan,
Pacific Bay Financial Corporation

(415) 225-7920;
[email protected]

NMLS #205637
DRE #00824602

Fridays with Manny



In 1969 we lived in Riga, Latvia. At that time, my wife Elfa and I were twenty-two, and we had a one-year young daughter. Latvia was part of the Soviet Union. Socialism and antisemitism were a part of our life. It is impossible to go back in time and to understand why we decided to immigrate to Israel. At that time, it was unfeasible even to think about it. Nevertheless, the next step of our life journey began. Our request to immigrate to Israel was refused. For the next three years, we became refuseniks, with many challenges connected with this status.

Elfa took it upon herself to fight with the state. She demonstrated with other refuseniks and was arrested twice, while I worked at a garage to feed our family. We were refused again and again, until January 1972, when our family finally received permission to emigrate to Israel. What we did not know at the time the extent to which the American Jewish Community demonstrated in support of the Soviet Jews with the slogan, “Let My People Go”, which made our liberation possible. After moving to San Francisco in 1980 and settling down, I joined “The Bay Area Council for Soviet Jews”, an organization which continued to help Jews, who still were trapped in the USSR and met the people who helped us.

I decided to write about this experience after attending a fundraiser for the “Soviet Jewry Movement Archives Project”. This event brought back memories from over fifty years ago. Our life in San Francisco has been very rewarding. We learned, we grew, we created a business and helped many people. Despite the fact that we lived and worked in different countries before, over the last forty-four years, we became Americans. And I am very grateful to be part of the best country in the world.

The three images are of the American flag that I have encountered in various places.

Enjoy and Share with a Friend!
