Yesterday, August 8th, we celebrated our 46th wedding anniversary in my wife Elfa’s favorite place—The Sea Ranch. Our daughters, Alona came from Paris and Tamar from L.A. Some people asked us how we have managed to stay together for so long and keep a loving relationship. What is out secret? To answer this question, I decided to write a book, “The Marriage Game: The 7+ C’s and How to Connect Them”.
You might notice that the title is similar to my previous book, “The Mortgage Game: The 5 C’s and How to Connect Them”. Not only are the titles similar, but I am also using “The C’s”, which in this care are: Communication, Cooperation, Commitment, Compromise, Creativity,Compassion, and Caring. (It was actually our daughters who came up with this idea to use words which start with the letter C, as I did in “The Mortgage Game”. Then there are the additional “C’s”, as per my wife Elfa’s suggestion,Copulation and my contribution, Cuddling.) Though we both worked hard and with joy to keep our marriage a success, the main credit belongs to my wife and partner, Elfa. She also agreed to partner with me on this project as well. I started to write this book on our trip in The Sea Ranch and am planning to finish it before the end of the year.
Stay tuned!
So why title a newsletter about such a joyful event in our lives—“What To Do When A Relationship Hits a Bumpy Road”? Because any relationship is a journey through life and there are many bumps in the road.
Actually, the title came into mind while reflecting about what is currently going on in the mortgage business. I am obviously upset that because of the new regulations, my clients have to deal with so many complicated hardships. However, applying my extensive experience in dealing with “bumpy roads” in my marriage, I decided to deal with the current developments in the mortgage business with patience and understanding. After 30 years of being a mortgage broker, it seems that I am also “married” to this business.
I had lunch recently with my old friend, Ed Sutton, with whom I reconnected after almost 30 years. He is very good at helping people prepare their tax returns. He can be reached at [email protected] / 650-755-1040 or via his website. Ed has been married for 39 years, and when I asked him what he thinks is his “secret” for his long marriage, he answered without hesitation—good communication. I will write about what I think this really means in my new book.
I took these images at The Sea Ranch. Though they are undoubtedly beautiful, you need to come here to have your own experience.
Do not keep me as a secret.