Mortgage Solutions For You!


*Interest rates are subject to change without notice and do not constitute a commitment to make any loan at any specific rate.

client had two mortgages. The first one was amortized for 15 years plus a line of credit with total monthly payments of $4,872. He wanted to combine both and pay off  the new loan in 7 years.

I offered him two choices:

  1. Both with the same interest rate of 3.75%
  2. One fixed for 7 years and adjustable after that with monthly payments of $2,148 OR fixed for 15 years with $3,574/month.
If he continued paying the same amount which he had today, the loan would be paid off in about 9 years. To pay it off in 7 years, the monthly payments needed to be $6,289.

The lower rate stimulates a faster pay off.

Whom do you know that might benefit from our tailored mortgage solutions?




Do not keep me as a secret.


Are You Free?

“Freedom is a God given right. Do not let anyone take it away from you.” 



This year, the “Martin Luther King, Jr. Day” national holiday coincides with my reading this week’s chapter in the Torah called Mishpatim, which translates to “ordinances”. (The Torah is divided into 52 chapters, which I read one of each week.) Last week, Torah readers were introduced to the Ten Commandments in the previous chapter. And this week, their meaning is explored.

“And these are the ordinances that you shall place before them: If you buy a Jewish bondsman, he shall work for six years; and in the seventh he shall go free, for no charge” (Exodus 27:1-2).

The word “bondsman” in this case, can mean slave. One of the definitions of the word “bond” in Webster’s Dictionary is anything that binds, fastens, or restrains. It is remarkable that the explanation of the core of our life conduct, the Ten Commandments, starts with the indication that any restraint has to be limited. Like the creation of the world, which by the Bible’s definition was done in six days, and on the seventh day there was rest. We live in a similar cycle.


We must remember the great teacher and preacher, Martin Luther King, Jr., who advocated freedom from oppression, our beliefs, our habitual behavior, the notion that “I know better” and there is “no other way”.

Slavery in America started in 1619 and was formally outlawed in December 1865, but the slave mentality continued for many more years from both former slaves and their masters.


It is difficult to imagine what it was like to live in the Southern States in the middle of the last century in today’s age. Martin Luther King, Jr. was born on January 15th, 1929 and was fatally shot on April 4th, 1968 in Memphis, Tennessee.

The world became a different place since, but there is plenty of prejudice and disparity. There is still the notion of “them” and “us”. And this goes much deeper than it seems. As much as we value our freedom (at least we say we do), we allow others to restrain our way of life and the way we can do business. (Just take a look at the rules set by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, CFPB).


For many years, Havana was one of the largest centers of the slave trade to the Americas. It is estimated that over $600,000 Africans were taken from West Africa and shipped to Cuba over three centuries until 1886, when slavery was officially abandoned.

Today, Cubans are a mixed race. They are descendants of the Spaniards, English, other Europeans, Chinese, Africans, and remnants of the indigenous people. I recommend seeing the film “Traces of the Trade”, to get a sense of how the history affects our lives today.


I’ve chosen images of four beautiful women, who represent the diverse heritage found in Cuba today, for your enjoyment. 



Mortgage Solutions for You


*Interest rates are subject to change without notice and do not constitute a commitment to make any loan at any specific rate.

One of the difficulties in getting a mortgage is time to close the transaction–but there might be other limitations.

One of our clients, who owns more than 5 properties wanted to buy another one. Not many lenders can accomodate such a request.

To get a better rate, they stated that their son is an owner-occupier. The son just recently started a new job. After we submitted to the lender who could do over 4 properties, the loan was turned down.

Luckily, we found another lender but had only 15 days to close before December 31st.

We did it!

Whom do you know that might benefit from our tailored mortgage solutions?



Do not keep me as a secret.


What a Papa Should Feel When His Son is Gone

“As long as I remember, you are alive.” 


My friend, Alex Vinokurov, passed away on January 6th. He was only 10 years junior to me, but he called me “Papa”.

At least once a month, he would call and ask, “Do you have time?”

He expected the same answer I always gave him, “For you, I always have time.”

He would come to our office and ask my wife, “Where is Papa?”

We would go to the local Starbucks and for an hour, he would share his joys, pour out his prayers, and ask me for advice.

He was a big, burly man with a gentle soul. During his short-lived disease, he “finally” managed to lose weight. But before dying, he started to sweat, water left his body, and by the time he passed on, his body shrunk.

“Shurick”, as I lovingly called him, was not with us anymore. Or was he?


Physically, he was not (at least not in this world). In my memory, he is alive. We are the sum of our memories. We choose what to remember and what to forget.

During our life journey, we meet a lot of strangers and we get close with some of them. I am privileged to work with and mentor younger people. After a while, some move away. There are those who follow my guidance, but most have to create their own life experience. Some, while physically still alive, disappear from our sight and I might never again hear from them. What is left is the memory.


Years ago, I made a decision that I have good memory—and I do. Especially when it comes to working with my clients. Somehow I remember the details of their mortgage transactions, which could have taken place 15 years ago. This good memory also helps me remember different loan options available to our clients. As a result, I can help find a mortgage solution tailored specifically to you.



On my last trip to Cuba, I met a lot of young people. I do not know who mentors them, but I believe in their future and would like to share some of the images that I captured of them.



Mortgage Solutions for You


*Interest rates are subject to change without notice and do not constitute a commitment to make any loan at any specific rate.

Client bought a three unit building for cash. It was a trustee sale and she needed it to close fast. She came to me after the property became hers with the request to get money out, return the loan of $200,000 to her friend, and $250,000 to buy another building.

Her income was not enough to qualify for a mortgage. When I took her loan documents to a very special lender, I was told that she needed to wait for 6 months before she cashing out of her loan could be done.

Then we found a solution.

Since it was her own money, she created a new note for $450,000 to her trust, who now owned the building. After the note and deed of trust were created and recorded, we could finish her refinancing.

Whom do you know that might benefit from our tailored mortgage solutions?



Do not keep me as a secret.


How to Celebrate Life

“Life is what we make out of it while we are still alive.” 


January 13th will mark my second Bar Mitzvah, since I am turning 67 (6+7 = 13) years young. I remember the celebration of my first one. In Jewish tradition, when a boy turns 13, he is responsible for his own actions and can participate in the prayer with adults. Looking back on my life, I realized that from that date 54 years ago until today–I lived without knowing what the next day will bring, despite my preparations and going through a seemingly predictable life journey.

This thought came to mind after my very dear friend, Alex Vinokurov passed on. His cancer was diagnosed in November. After a “successful” surgery, he was ready to recover, but it never happened. We visited him on Sunday. He was weak, but holding on. Before saying good-bye, he opened his eyes, squeezed my hand, and said, “I love you”. I kissed him, and we left. Monday, before 9pm, he was gone, He was 56 years young.

Recently, we’ve heard about other people we know who are not around anymore. Some of our very close friends are also dealing with the frightening “C” word.



I am sad—and when I think about Alex, my eyes become watery.

But I made a very clear decision for myself. There is no need to wait for one special day a year to celebrate; every day is special and there are always reasons to celebrate life with the friends and family members.

Hope you will join me.


There is a story told about a righteous Catholic priest who died. He, of course, went straight to heaven where Saint Peter himself greeted him. For his service to God, he was offered a special privilege to read the holy books in their original writing. He was ushered into a big room filled with shelves covered with manuscripts. Shortly after he started to read, he started to yell: “Oh No! Oh No!”

Everyone rushed in.

“What happened?”

“It is written here to celebrate, not celibate!”

Let’s celebrate!



We celebrated the start of 2014 at a friend’s condo on the 26th floor across from the Bay Bridge. I, of course, had my camera and tripod with me. When everyone was clanging glasses with champagne, I was pressing the button on my camera. While the champagne bubbles are long consumed, my special images will help you celebrate your new year. You will see more of them every week with my “Market News” on Wednesdays.



Mortgage Solutions for You

“Parents give us life. What did we give them in return?”


*Interest rates are subject to change without notice and do not constitute a commitment to make any loan at any specific rate.

Our client wanted to buy a 4-unit building where his parents and his wife’s parents could live in their own apartment and he could rent the remaining units to cover the mortgage payments. 

He made an offer: fixed for 5 years for $1,500,000. With the 30% down payment, his new mortgage of $1,050,000 plus taxes and insurance will be about $6,700/month. The rent is currently $6,000/month.

Whom do you know that might benefit from our tailored mortgage solutions?



Do not keep me as a secret.


Up and Down…Here I Come Make It a Happy New Year


“In life, the ups and downs are part of the same journey.” 


In the new Malcom Gladwell book, “David and Goliath”, (which I strongly recommend together with many other of his books), he refers to a story about Brer Rabbit and Brer Fox. The story supports the message that Malcolm conveys—that in life, many of those who seem disadvantaged, find ways to overcome their “limitations” to get ahead or to just survive.

In the story, Brer Rabbit falls into a well and he entices Brer Fox to come down and to catch him. While Brer Fox jumps into a bucket which was going down, the Rabbit holds onto a rope, which was going up and is able to climb out of the well.



Reading this brought to mind a story in the Torah about Jacob leaving home on his life journey to find a wife among his mother’s relatives. On the way, he went to sleep:

“and he dreamt, and behold! A ladder was set earthward and its top reached heavenward, and behold! Angels of God were ascending and descending on it. And behold! Hashem (God) was standing over him.” (Genesis 28: 12-13)

The commentators of the Torah were puzzled: why did the angels, who were heavenly beings coming down from heaven, not come up in the opposite direction?



I do not pretend to understand or know the Torah, but for me the dream about “Jacob’s ladder” is an allegory for life’s (or business’) journey. In the beginning, we start our journey with high expectations and our message is going up heavenward. And then, we get a “response”, which often brings us “down to earth”. Since life or business continues, this process is repeated again and again.




Sometimes on the weekends, I travel downtown to visit photo galleries (there are quite a few at 47 Geary Street), and just hang out with my camera.

We live in Monterey Heights, a hilly area of San Francisco. Our house is on the crest of our street, thus I can go down the hill to the Muni station and get down town in about 30 minutes.

Recently, I decided to walk downtown.

To do this, I have to go up the hill first before the road starts going down again. This choice took me 3 hours to get to my destination. On the way, I visited places and talked to people I met. One man I met told me that he takes Muni to different destinations on the weekends and walks back home.

What a great idea.



During this walk, I discovered Mono Street, a short street that is actually an alley with stairs, where the mailman goes up and down to deliver mail. And of course, I photographed. You can see some of my photo images.


Due to the new regulations starting on January 10th, the mortgage industry is going through ups and down again. Since it is our responsibility to find a mortgage solution for you, your families, and your friends, please do not keep me as a secret.

Have a Happy and Joyful New Year!


What Is Your Choice?

 “To have free will, you have to be free to choose.” 


From the moment we wake up, we have to make a choice. We make many choices in life; what to wear, what to eat, when and where to go on vacation, whom to marry, etc. As life progresses, the choices we make change and we choose again.

Some believe that we have a free will, while others believe everything is predestined. In the movie, “The Adjustment Bureau”, Matt Damon plays a guy who is running for congress, but what turns out is that his life is actually run by outside sources (The Adjustment Bureau), who in turn follow a pre-designed plan that is set up by the boss—the Chairman, who is the only one who can change it.

The problem comes when the hero falls in love.

At this moment, he has to make a personal choice, but his choice will affect not only his life but also the life of the other person. (You will have to see the movie to find out the outcome.)


Meanwhile, how do we know what to choose?

Rely on our gut feelings, ask others, or Google the question? That is a choice as well! The more choices we have, the harder it is to pick something.  And besides, how do we know that our choice will give us the desired outcome in the future?

During the presidential elections, we chose who to vote for. It is not only a political preference; it is an economic consequence, which affects all of us. On July 21, 2010, President Obama signed the Dodd Frank Act. I am sure he had in mind what he said:

“And finally, because of this law, the American people will never again be asked to foot the bill for Wall Street’s mistakes. There will be no more tax-funded bailouts — period. If a large financial institution should ever fail, this reform gives us the ability to wind it down without endangering the broader economy.  And there will be new rules to make clear that no firm is somehow protected because it is “too big to fail,” so we don’t have another AIG.

That’s what this reform will mean.  Now, it doesn’t mean our work is over.  For these new rules to be effective, regulators will have to be vigilant.  We may need to make adjustments along the way as our financial system adapts to these new changes and changes around the globe.  No law can force anybody to be responsible; it’s still incumbent on those on Wall Street to heed the lessons of this crisis in terms of how they conduct their businesses.” (President Obama, July 21, 2010)


To implement the Dodd Frank Act created by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), one of the tasks the CFPB had was to create new regulations for the mortgage industry. The problem was that those who created these regulations did not seem to be experts in the mortgage industry, and perhaps did not realize just how complex the mortgage business really was.

After the economic meltdown at the end of 2008, the lending industry changed. Mortgages became more difficult to get, safer for the consumers, and a number of foreclosures dropped. Nevertheless, the CFPB (to justify their existence) came up with the Qualifying Mortgage (QM), which will start on January 10, 2014.

In my view, the government wasted our money and created more complications for the borrowers. At the same time, Wells Fargo Bank (a firm “too big to fail”) followed by the other major banks, are planning to offer mortgages for wealthy borrowers, which will not follow QM standards.

You have a choice—to become wealthy.

On December 3, 2013, the Wall Street Journal’s article “Shift on Nonconforming Mortgages” discussed this.


As far as I am concerned, I have made my choice. Not to pay any attention and not be emotionally attached to any outcomes of the laws I cannot do much about. Instead, I choose to focus on helping my clients to have joy in their lives.


When I chose to grow a moustache to honor Movember, we were on vacation in Kauai and I did not have to shave every day. Somehow, my beard grew along with my moustache, and I chose to keep it.

Since then, I have received many compliments.

Some said that I look like a professor—or very serious. Some women suggested that it looked sexy.

I did not know what to choose—to keep it or to shave it off in December. The answer came while reading a story in the Torah about Joseph’s release from prison to interpret the Pharaoh’s dreams.

“So Pharaoh sent and summoned Joseph, and they rushed him from the dungeon. He shaved and changed his clothes, and he came to Pharaoh.”—(Genesis 41:14)

Since I meet with the “Pharaoh” (my clients) daily and have to interpret their dreams (mortgage scenarios) to find solutions, I choose to be clean-shaven and in clean clothes.

The result—a process of the transformation, you can see in my self-portraits.



In the New Year, I wish for you to make the best choices for yourself and your family.

Have a Happy and Joyful New Year!

Do Not Keep Me as a Secret. 


On The Run

“To serve, run.
To live, walk slowly.” 


A year ago on our trip to Paris, I bought a fancy looking pair of flat leather shoes. After a lot of walking, I came home with a pain in my heels, which did not go away. It turned out to be a common problem. After consulting with my yoga teacher, chiropractor, and our family doctor, they recommended different exercises and to wear special shoes at night or plastic boots, which would pull my toes back to release pressure. All of this helped a little, but the pain was still there.

Since we were planning our trip to Italy, I needed a quick solution—new shoes? I visited The Foot Locker, but that did not help. I do not like to wear colorful, striped sneakers with black dress pants. The insoles I bought there did not fit well in my old shoes. We were set to leave on Monday morning. On Sunday at 5:55pm (5 minutes before closing), I walked into the shoe store

“On the Run” located at 1310 9th Ave in San Francisco. An hour later, I walked out with four pairs of shoes (including clogs to be worn at home). Two of the pairs were manufactured in Israel by the company NAOT, which in English means “nice looking and practical”—which they are.


Not only could I walk on our trip for at least 8-9 hours a day, but when we came back the pain was almost gone. The miracle was a result of the knowledge and patience from the sales person Ahn, who took time to work with me despite the late hours. The store and another one around the corner are owned by Mark Wachter. I met his sister in the store who told me that she had considered getting knee surgery, until Mark convinced her to try different shoes. The result? No pain, no surgery.

In Florence one evening, we had dinner at the Cibreo restaurant. It was a special experience. Although pricey, the food was very good and the service was superb. The staff moved very fast, sometimes they even ran. I looked at their footwear: no sneakers, but comfortable shoes. The service reminded me of our dinners in Zuni Café and Hayes Bar and Grill here in San Francisco.


What is interesting is that this kind of service is mentioned in the Torah. The chapter Vayeira starts with the story about three men (God’s messengers) visiting Abraham, who recently celebrated his 99th birthday and was sitting in his tent after undergoing circumcision.  The three men informed him that his wife Sarah, at the age of 90, will give birth to a son:

“He lifted his eyes and saw: And behold! Three men were standing over him. He perceived, so he ran toward them from the entrance of the tent, and bowed toward the ground. And he said, “My Lord, if I find favor in Your eyes, please pass  not away from Your servent.”—Genesis 18/2

After offering them water to wash their feet, he invited them to stay over for a meal:

“So Abraham hastened to the tent to Sarah and said, “Hurry! Three se’ahs of meal, fine flour! Knead and make cakes!” Then Abraham ran to the cattle, took a calf, tender and good, and gave it to the youth who hurried to prepare it. He took cream and milk and the calf which he had prepared, and placed these before them; he stood over them beneath the tree and they ate.”—Genesis 18/6-8


I do not know if the restaurants I’ve mentioned use this story in their training manuals, but those who regulate the mortgage industry could definitely learn a thing or two.


In Italy, we dined in different restaurants and really enjoyed late evening strolls (in comfortable shoes). The weather was very pleasant and a lot of young people would congregate to have light meals or just to hang out. Since my camera can photograph in very low light, you can benefit from some of the images. 


 While you are reading this email, I am together with my family and friends in Cuba wearing my comfortable shoes.

Report to follow.

Do Not Keep Me as a Secret.