Fridays with Manny



It always gives me pleasure to receive emails from the appreciative readers like “Love your “Fridays with Manny” weekly columns and your photography in them is outstanding!”

But this time an email also came with the recommendation: “This is the time of year for big ocean waves due to a combination of storms and tides. These big waves provide beauty, excitement, evocative adventurous imagery, and potential danger. Have you thought of potentially devoting one of your early 2024 Fridays with Manny columns to ocean waves? One of my favorite places to view them is Rockaway Beach in Pacifica.”

When I decided to check the waves on January 1st, the storm was over. Nevertheless, we went to San Francisco Ocean Beach for a walk with Max. There were no dramatic waves, but there were a lot of people who came just to enjoy the ocean. For me this was a very good reminder that the big waves come and go, but people will continue having a good time. There are some “experts” who make negative predictions about 2024. For me these negative events are just temporary storms, which come and go away. My New Year resolution is to stay away from the negativity. I hope you will do the same.

One of the ways to stay positive, which is not easy, is to be exposed to the positive information. This is why I published the book “Retirement Solutions for Smart People™. How to accomplish Financial Comfort” as well as a gorgeous weekly calendar “53 Reminders”. Both are available at the provided links on Amazon.

Recently an article in the San Francisco Chronicle told a story about Big Waves filmed by Tim Bonython. You can watch his film Monster Mavericks by clicking this link. Ocean waves not only can be big, they can be beautiful, as you can see from the three images above.

Enjoy and Share!



Fridays with Manny



Most people like flowers. They are an indication of the change of the seasons. We see them in nature in our gardens or in our homes. Flowers have at least three stages; when they just open, while in full bloom and when they fade away. This is a good reminder of our lives. Yet, there is another stage – when they are photographed and the images are shown to others. Flowers are my favorite subject to photograph. However, this is only the first step. The next one is to process the images on the computer and then to share the results with others.

I do this in various ways. Last year, with the help of a web designer, I put together a website, “ (”. I also make prints as gifts for my friends. And over the last four years, I’ve received a lot of compliments for my monthly wall calendars with flowers. This year, I decided to share with you more flowers. Therefore, instead of seeing twelve of them, each month, you are going to enjoy 53 images in a weekly calendar, that also comes with weekly words of my thoughts, which I call reminders.

Some people only use their mobile phones to record appointments and special weekly events. But I hope you see these weekly encounters and plannings as pieces of art, which could lighten your weeks. I suspect that after the year 2024 is over, the calendar will still adorn your coffee table or bookshelf; unless, of course, there will be a demand for me to produce the next one.


These three images are from the calendar, which is available on Amazon at this link. While on Amazon, please also check this link for my latest book “Retirement Solutions for Smart People™. How to accomplish Financial Comfort”, which besides valuable information presents quite a few images of beautiful nature.

Enjoy and Share!


Fridays with Manny



I am writing this essay sitting in my “writing” chair, which I share with Max. He occupies it when I am not writing and jumps off when my turn comes. If you do not know him yet, he is our six years young labradoodle. After we adopted him at the age of ten months from his breeder in Monterey, I started recording my daily experiences of his behavior and read about twenty “How to” books to find the answer of how to become his best friend. This experience led to producing and publishing my book of stories and photos, “42 Encounters with Dog Lovers”, which you can order on Amazon. During the next six years, Max taught me a lot about life, joy and gratitude. I even summarized these lessons and included them in my business card.

What prompted me to write this story was an article in The Wall Street Journal titled, “How Dogs Help Us Lead Longer, Healthier Lives”. It was actually a review of a new book written by Jen Golbeck and Stacey Colino,“The Purest Bond: Understanding the Human-Canine Connection”. It is based on many studies and has a very simple conclusion – “Besides having specific effects on health, your relationship with your dog may alter your attitude toward health and life in general”.

While I am writing, Max wants to be sure that I am in good physical shape and for my exercises he constantly brings me his ball. My task is to bend down and to throw it back to him. In a few hours, since I need fresh air and serene scenery, he will take me for a walk in Golden Gate Park. And since he thinks this might not be enough, he will take me again for a short walk in the evening in our neighborhood, knowing that some fresh air will help me to sleep better. If you decide that someone like Max can benefit your life, please let me know, I will connect you with his breeder. Labradoodles are smart, easy to train and very loveable.

If you or someone you know is in retirement age, and is concerned about extra expenses connected with dog ownerships, please read my new book, “Retirement Solutions for Smart People™. How to Accomplish Financial Comfort”.


These three images are of our beloved best friend, Max, who tries to catch a squirrel during our walks in Golden Gate Park.





Enjoy and Share with a Friend!



Fridays with Manny



The lyrics to the song “Walking in the Rain with The One I Love”, came to mind during our recent trip to Portland, Oregon; where we came to celebrate Chanukah with our granddaughter and her parents. We have been there many times, but it was our first raining experience. It was good that my wife Elfa reminded me to pack my raincoat, because on Sunday morning we had some free time and decided to walk in the rain.

There’s an area in Portland called Nob Hill, on NW 23rd Avenue. It is one of the oldest areas of Portland and within a few blocks there are many Victorian buildings with restaurants, cafés, boutiques and a fabulous bookstore, where we spent an hour browsing through books. When we stepped out with a bag full of books, the rain stopped, and suddenly the empty streets were filled with people. I was surprised to find out that it rains more in Portland (43 inches) than in Seattle (38 inches), annually. And it is no wonder that Portland is surrounded by the lush, beautiful nature.

Photographing a carpet of yellow leaves on the sidewalk, through my umbrella, reminded me that Portland has four seasons. It also has Mount Tabor Park, where my three ladies enjoyed a stroll in the drizzling rain. I was not surprised to capture a photo of a man, who collected empty cans, and was carrying an umbrella as well.

Along with my heartfelt season’s greetings and best wishes of Merry Christmas, I am sending you a reminder that my new book “Retirement Solutions for Smart People™. How to Accomplish Financial Comfort” has quite a few images of beautiful nature. You are welcome to order the book by clicking on this link.

Enjoy and Share with a Friend!


Fridays with Manny



We recently returned from a three week-long vacation. This time, we went on a Viking Cruise Line on the Danube River through Eastern Europe (strongly recommend). Our trip started in Berlin, where my wife’s brother and his family reside. They moved there many years ago. And as a result, we’ve visited Berlin and traveled through Germany’s beautiful countryside many times. Berlin can be an interesting city to visit for many reasons, and in the past, I crisscrossed it on foot (which drove my wife crazy and tired her out).

This time, we mostly focused on seeing our family, but we did venture out to visit the former Jewish neighborhood Mitte, which has become a popular destination for tourists as well as for locals. Real estate prices in this part of Berlin have gone up significantly. Berliners are different from people living in other parts of Germany or Europe. It is the only city where people have objected my photographing them. I do not know the reason, but in the past, I was not comfortable to be here. Was it subconscious? After all, I was born in Riga, Latvia in 1947. It was occupied by the Nazis, and most of mine and my wife’s aunts and uncles were killed by the Germans and their collaborators.

After the end of WWII, Germany recognized its role in the Jewish genocide and created an environment where the expression of antisemitism was prohibited. They established a fund to compensate survivors, many of whom moved to Israel. It also developed close business relationships between the two countries. Even though there are over five million Muslims living in Germany, it has deep support for Israel during the war against Hamas. My prayers of peace are for both Israelis and Palestinians. I believe that after Hamas rulers are going to be removed, the two neighbors will finally get closer. During our visit to the Jewish Quarter, I photographed brass plaques on the sidewalks, as well as a sculpture of Jewish Victims at the entrance to a Jewish school named after Moses Mendelssohn.

Enjoy and Share with a Friend!


Fridays with Manny



Tonight, December 8th, is the second night of the Jewish Holiday, Hanukkah. It commemorates events which took place almost 2,200 years ago. It was a dark period in history in the Land of Israel, which was occupied by the Seleucid Empire. The miracle happened when a small source of light dispelled the darkness. This is why this holiday is called the Festival of Lights.

According to the Torah, the light was one of the first creations, “And God said, “Let there be light”, and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness (Genesis 1:3). Now the question is – can we do the same? My answer is yes. We just need to let light in our hearts, to enable us to use our moral compass. There is always light and darkness. Choose light.

The word “photography” means “drawing with light”. One of my forthcoming photo books has the title, “42 Encounters with Illumination”, which is going to be ready in 2024. Meanwhile, my new book, “Retirement Solutions for Smart People™. How to accomplish Financial Comfort” may shed some light for people who are retired or are planning to be. Please order the book here and write a review when you have it read.

The above images of light reflecting in the water were captured during our recent trip to Eastern Europe on the Danube River. I will share some of my travel experiences with you in the coming weeks.

Enjoy and share with a friend!


Fridays with Manny



“I know that I know nothing” is a saying derived from Plato’s account of the Greek philosopher Socrates, became my favorite expression. In spite of all the knowledge and life experiences I have, in reality when it comes to the moral issues, there can be huge division between points of view. It is difficult, but just imagine that the intruder broke into your house, raped your daughter, killed your wife and took your son hostage. After that he ran into his house and hid behind his children. You know that the only way to get your son back you need to kill the intruder. Unfortunately, you will have to kill his children as well. However, if you will not do that, he will kill you and all of your other children, brothers and sisters and will take over your country. I will let you come with the answer. Recent war in Gaza created confusion in many people’s minds. To have a better understanding, I decided to share with you some of the information I lately came across.

We will start with the article “How Hamas Won Hearts and Minds on the American Left” by Lorenzo Vidino, which appeared in The Wall Street Journal on Friday, November 3, 2023. I wrote about Antisemitism before. However, this time it comes from the Islamist sources, which use lies to distort their true objective, being fueled by Iran. They know that they cannot kill all the Israelis, and get Muslim state from the river to the sea, however it is a very good opportunity to divide the Western World, which lost its moral compass. History has shown that all the powers which tried to destroy Judaism have economic and social problems. Just take a look on the list of empires which occupied the Land of Israel. Assyria, Babylon, Greece, Persia, Rome, Ottomans, British. You can also take a look on the list of countries  and their attitude toward Jews over the centuries. I recently watched a video on YouTube “7 Things pro-Palestinians Forgot to Tell You” from I hope it will give you a better understanding of what is behind the Israel-Palestinian conflict. And if you still have your moral dilemma and would like to join one of the many protests, please read information from Gershon Winkler.

Being an optimist, I live by the principle “That is also for good.” However, it takes time to realize what good is. There is a saying “While I breathe, I hope.” I do.

I had a challenge which images will go with this story. I decided to use portraits of joyful people from my book “42 Encounters with Laughter.” Often laughter is the only remedy against sadness. My next book “Retirement Solutions for Smart People™. How to Accomplish Financial Comfort” is going to be available next week. Please look for the special announcement.

Best wishes,


Fridays With Manny



Last Sunday, we returned from a three weeks journey to Eastern Europe. We started in Berlin, then flew to Bucharest, and from there we traveled on the Viking Rinda cruise on the Danube River to Vienna, Austria, visiting six more countries along the way. While we have taken ocean cruises before, this was our first river journey. The last two were with Norway’s Hurtigruten Expeditions to Alaska, and prior to that, we went along Norway’s Fiords. Both were remarkable. Nevertheless, for many years we would receive Viking’s brochures, and the itinerary was very appealing. More information about Viking’s European River Cruises is available at this link.

There were only 190 passengers on board, being served by 50 crew members who were incredibly good and caring. In the morning, we usually took a trip to the new city or town either on the bus or on foot, accompanied by a guide. We visited many churches and synagogues, explored countryside and learned a lot about the local history and culture. There were additional trips offered for a fee, but we felt what we had was enough. All the guests were from different parts of the United States or Canada. During the meals, we changed tables and had the opportunity to meet different people. In my observation, the average age was around seventy and the majority of the guests were retired.

We learned that people traveled on Viking many times. There was one couple for whom it was their thirteenth trip. We befriended one couple from Arizona who already made reservations for two for next year’s journeys. I’ve heard that some couples travel on ships for a long time. For example, you can take a trip from December 20, 2023, till May 6, 2024, and visit 57 ports for about $55K per person, plus extra excursions, laundry and tips. But then your life is completely taken care of. There are many more affordable itineraries. Of course, not everyone has enough savings to undertake such a life. However, there are some ways to finance your retirement journeys. This is why I I’ve written the book titled “Retirement Solutions for Smart People™. How to Accomplish Financial Comfort.”  The book is going to be selling on Amazon soon. I’ll let you know as soon as it is available for purchase.

Meanwhile, in the weeks to come I will be posting more stories about each stop we had made during our river cruise.

Here are three images from our trip.

Enjoy and Share!



Fridays with Manny



I like flowers, and not just to photograph.

Recently, I planted fifty multicolored tulips in our garden. However, there is one flower which I only like to photograph – dandelions. They are weeds and mess up our lawn. Until recently, the solution was to pull them up; however, the roots remain, and they come back. I finally decided to stop my bending exercises and bought a weedkiller, and it worked. But ironically, dandelions are edible weeds, every part of them. They are full of vitamins A, B, C and D, and have many health benefits. I like to drink tea made from dandelions and there is even a chocolate maker in San Francisco called Dandelion Chocolate. Folklore suggests that when you blow on a dandelion puff, your dreams and wishes will be carried on the wind to eventually come true.

We know in life, everything is relative. How about reverse mortgages? Some people have negative opinions about them, until they learn how they can help folks to retire. This is why I wrote a book titled, “Retirement Solutions for Smart People™. How to Accomplish Financial Comfort.”

In the book you will find how many people gain financial comfort after I’ve helped them get a reverse mortgage. Now they can afford besides other things, tea made from dandelions, as well as Dandelion Chocolate.

As I said, everything is relative. You will be able to buy the book on Amazon very soon. I will keep you posted.

Meanwhile, please enjoy the beauty of dandelions. And share it with a friend!
