*All beautiful images in this e-letter were created by my beautiful wife, Elfa.*
I do not know about you, but when I am on vacation and have an opportunity to relax, I start seeing the world with open eyes and notice only the beauty. It is Sunday morning in The Sea Ranch, where I have been staying for 5 days in a beautiful house on the bluff with my wife and beautiful daughter, Alona.
Outside the window, I see a foggy sky and grey ocean with grey rocks. I just came back from photographing amazingly beautiful grey images. Flocks of beautiful grey pelicans are flying in front of our window.
Last night, a group of seven beautiful deer came to eat by our house and then joined us (outside) to watch a beautiful movie on the TV. Yesterday, we spent many hours strolling in a beautiful forest. Days before, we walked on a trail along the beautiful ocean, surrounded by the beautiful nature.
Here, we met our neighbors—a beautiful couple who divide their time between beautiful Paris and The Sea Ranch.
We had our anniversary dinner in the beautiful St. Orres Restaurant. It is located outside beautiful Gualala, a small town next to The Sea Ranch.
While here, I finished reading a beautiful book by Anita Moorjani—“Dying to Be Me: My Journey from Cancer, to Near Death, to True Healing”. It is a life story about a young beautiful woman, who had “died” from cancer and came back. Her near death experience helped her to get rid of cancer and also changed her outlook on life. This book inspired me to write this letter. The book was given to me by my beautiful friend and Doctor of Oriental Medicine—Dr. Angela Wu, who helps beautiful women to conceive and bring to this beautiful world, beautiful children. She is the author of the book, “Fertility Wisdom: How Traditional Chinese Medicine Can Help Overcome Fertility”.
Tomorrow, we are driving back to our beautiful house in San Francisco, in the most beautiful city in the world. I am going back to work with our beautiful employees.
You might suspect that this beautiful vacation with too much oxygen in the air affected my brain. It might have. Did I forget about the regulators who I was complaining about in my previous newsletters? Or the banks, that create problems for borrowers—are they also beautiful?
I am sure that people, in spite of the circumstances they work in, are beautiful. At the same time, the adverse conditions help me to come up with beautiful mortgage solutions for my beautiful clients.
The beautiful photos pale in comparison with the real beauty found in nature. We like to visit The Sea Ranch so much that on Labor Day, we are coming back with our other beautiful daughter, Tamar. She is helping me write my next beautiful book, “The Marriage Game”. Stay tuned.
Do not keep me as a secret.

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