Whom Do You Know That Might Benefit From Our Tailored Mortgage Solutions?
Author of "The Mortgage Game"
Whom Do You Know That Might Benefit From Our Tailored Mortgage Solutions?
“Your Life Journey Ends, When You Stop Journeying”
I heard a story about a man who bought a turtle. His friend asked him “Why a turtle?” He said, “Well, I read that turtles live 200 years, and I want to check if it is true.” I thought about this story during our recent company’s staff meeting. Our guest represented a company that specializes in the restoration of credit and helps borrowers increase their credit scores.
During her presentation, she suggested that we should tell our potential clients that working with us, they are guaranteed our services for the next 30 years. It is ironic because this September our company is celebrating 30 years in business. When I started my career in the mortgage business in 1983, I was taught to say something similar – “Work with me, and I will be serving you for life.” It was not clear for whose life – my clients or mine? I was not totally comfortable with this statement, since I do not like to lie. What if I stop doing mortgages before the end of life (mine or clients)? I don’t know about you, but I am planning to be at your service for the next 30 years. For me this decision is clear, I am 68 years young. You need to stick around to check on me. It is easy, there are a lot of people more than ever, who live longer lives.
On the subject of a longer life:To help you to stick around longer, you need to be financially comfortable. Recently I discovered how a Reverse Mortgage could help those who starting at the young age of 62, can be free of mortgage or rent payments for the rest of their lives. Last week I helped a young couple (she is 73 and he is 81) to fulfill the American Dream and to buy their first home in America. It was done utilizing the reverse mortgage purchase program. They are not going to have mortgage payments. The property taxes and insurance will cost them about $450.00 per month. To explain the benefits and limitations of those programs (there are four different options), I am going to have an educational seminar in the evening of September 10th (Will keep you posted). Credit history is not critical for those loans. But if your credit history needs improvements now, please call Alexandra (Alex) Erlich (303) 317-6969. She works for the Continental Credit Company. They might be able to help.
P.S. After being in the business for over 30 years many of my clients reached the wisdom age, like the wise men I met in San Francisco. My photo book “42 Encounters in San Francisco” is almost ready. Will keep you informed.
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Please be advised:
All clients’ documents should be ready and prepared to submit to Lender ASAP! Any interest rate information published in this message is subject to change without notice and does not constitute a commitment to make any loan at any specific rate. Please contact Pacific Bay Financial for more information.
Whom Do You Know That Might Benefit From Our Tailored Mortgage Solutions?
After meeting with clients on a Sunday afternoon, I came home and my wife Elfa suggested that instead of going to the movies, as we often do on Sundays, to go spent time in the nature . We had a number of destinations from which to choose. In the past, when our dog Angus was still with us, we would often visit the various parks in the city, such as Stow Lake in Golden Gate Park, Pine Lake in Stern Grove Park, or Fort Funston National Park, along the ocean. On this particular Sunday, I suggested going to Sutro Heights Park. Though it is very close to our home, and we sometimes go to the Land’s End Trail, which is just across the street, we have never visited that part of the park before.
Sutro Heights Park was once the estate of Adolf Sutro, the 24th mayor of San Francisco. He was the first German-American Jewish mayor, and served office from 1894 until 1896. He was born in 1830 in Aachen, Prussia. At the age of 20, Sutro, who was a trained engineer, arrived in San Francisco and made his name (and money) by drilling a tunnel through Mount Davidson in Nevada, which became known as the Sutro Tunnel at the Comstock Lode of silver ore, and became the first major discovery of silver in the United States in 1859. He invested the money he made from silver by buying large tracks of lands in San Francisco, which he developed for the benefit of the public.
There is also the Sutro Gum Tree Ranch located in Glen Canyon Park and the Sutro Library, which is in the San Francisco branch of the California State Library. I did not read about any other pioneering individual in San Francisco’s memorable illustrious history whose name is embedded in so many places.
Where are all those beautiful buildings?
The railroad has long been demolished; trees are cut (Mount Sutro is barren). His beautiful house and a huge nursery with the exotic plants from all over the world in the park are also gone. There is no physical presence of his, or any other pioneers, who have laid down the foundation in San Francisco for our lives today.
Perhaps, if you didn’t read this story, you would never know whom this person was and why you should care. We live in a world that moves much faster than it did over 100 years ago. But at the same time our basic feelings have not changed. I am talking about gratitude. When you walk on the road that someone paved for you, do not forget to say “thank you”.
I think that Mr. Sutro would be proud to see that his land benefits so many San Franciscans and our guests. My photo book “42 Encounters in San Francisco” is almost ready, which is about my take of San Francisco’s history. I will keep you posted.
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Whom Do You Know That Might Benefit From Our Tailored Mortgage Solutions?
You haven’t the foggiest idea how beautiful it can be on a foggy morning at the top of Mount Davidson in San Francisco. For me, the fog is a metaphor about our lives. If you are in a fog, do not despair. Be patient. The fog will melt away and you will see your destination. Sometimes events, which we experience or encounter, seem as though there is no solution, as everything is covered by the fog. We try to do something to change the situation, but we aren’t able to see the entire picture. Meanwhile, anyone who has ever been in a foggy condition knows that often there is no need to do anything, but to wait until the warmth of the sun melts the moisture of the fog and the wind blows it away. And suddenly, almost miraculously, we can clearly see where we are and where we need to go.
The idea to write about the beauty of the fog came while visiting Charlie and Hanka’s home, which I’ve written about in the last couple of weeks. It was toward the evening, and I wanted to capture the sunset. But when I came to the balcony, I could only see the fog rolling in. It was quickly covering the vistas in front of me. But here and there the light from the setting sun was eliminating the hills of the surrounding neighborhood. It was like a reminder that it is not all grey. Tomorrow the view will be visible again. But not for everyone.
San Francisco is known as the “Foggy City” because of special meteorological conditions and geography. It is probably why Mark Twain famously said, “The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco”.
In the cold of our summer the sun bursts through the fog. It is an art exhibit at the de Young Museum in the Golden Gate Park.
I never know what to expect when I hike up Mt. Davidson on Sunday mornings. Regardless of the weather or the time of day, it always surprises me with the different manifestations of beauty. If you’d like to join me, give me a call.
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Please be advised:
All clients’ documents should be ready and prepared to submit to Lender ASAP! Any interest rate information published in this message is subject to change without notice and does not constitute a commitment to make any loan at any specific rate. Please contact Pacific Bay Financial for more information.
Whom Do You Know That Might Benefit From Our Tailored Mortgage Solutions?
Last week I wrote a story about Charles Glass, who died recently at the age of 92. Charlie lived a very eventful, yet simple life. He is survived by his wife Hanka, a daughter, son, and grandchildren. In the Jewish tradition, family of the deceased sits shiva, whose literal translation is “seven”, a week-long period of mourning. Part of the tradition of sitting shiva, is that family is visited by friends and relatives. On my first visit after the funeral, I photographed views outside the house–some of the images that you saw in my newsletter last week. On our next visit, I entered into his study. Charlie built his house and designed this room to be elevated, but connected with the rest of the house. There are two comfortable chairs, bookshelves, a fireplace and the desk is covered with notes, books, an old check printing machine, a carousel with slides, old National Geographic magazines, and musical recordings on tape and VHS. A typical picture of a typical office. But now when Charlie is gone, who will sit in front of an old Apple computer and “take out (his expression) news”? Who will read all those books, listen to the tapes, or watch the VHS movies? “Who needs all of this stuff and what to do with it?” This is the question his daughter was asking me.
In the early days of our residency in San Francisco, we used to go to flea markets, garage and estate sales. This is where the “old” stuff often ends up–or in the garbage bin. Some photo exhibits contain collages of personal photos of people who are not around recently, often found in those sales. Who were all these and what did they leave behind? I’m currently reading “The Family: A Journey into The Heart of the Twentieth Century” by David Laskin. The story is about a family from 19th century Russia; and one part immigrated to America, while another wing immigrated to Palestine in the early 20th century, and some stayed behind in the former Soviet Union. Every immigrant, who leaves his or her country, leaves most of their possessions behind. And then, after settling down we start the accumulation process again. Do we identify ourselves with what we possess?
“This is my book, shelf, phone, TV, or anything else. And what becomes with my stuff when we are gone?”
Seeing Charles’ study and hearing this story inspired me to set up a new goal: to get rid as much as my stuff as I can. I gave myself time to do it gradually, a little bit every weekend to finish by the end of the year.
Do you want any of Charlie’s stuff? It is available. Regardless where it will end up, my photos will keep the memory of a person, who once called them his possessions.
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Please be advised:
All clients’ documents should be ready and prepared to submit to Lender ASAP! Any interest rate information published in this message is subject to change without notice and does not constitute a commitment to make any loan at any specific rate. Please contact Pacific Bay Financial for more information.
Whom Do You Know That Might Benefit From Our Tailored Mortgage Solutions?