Whom Do You Know That Might Benefit From Our Tailored Mortgage Solutions?
Author of "The Mortgage Game"
Whom Do You Know That Might Benefit From Our Tailored Mortgage Solutions?
“If everything is relative, so is the theory of relativity”
The next day we drove by a property with a For Sale sign. There was a box attached to the sale post with a flyer, describing the property as 2.5 acres of land with a view of the mountains (and no house or water access), listed for $3.5 million. When we went to the beach, located in the Hanalei Bay, there was a nice custom-built house next to the public parking, with a For Sale sign. Later on I saw the picture of this property on the cover of “Homes and Land Magazine”. The asking price of the 4BR/3.5BA residence, with living 3.125sf, and 15.224sf land, plus a 1BR/2BA 1.051sf guest-house, was offered for just $11 million. As Mr. Einstein pointed to us 100 years ago, everything is relative. To be fair, the magazine also listed lots of properties for less than $400,000. But “you get what you pay for”. The real estate market in Kauai is hot and pricey. The vendor at the Hanalei Shopping Village told me that the most popular occupation among locals is selling real estate or massage therapy. Sometimes they are combined.
P.S. We had fantastic time here. We enjoyed the lush nature, beautiful beaches, and pleasant water. We were also showered by torrential rain and bitten by mosquitoes. We visited a Hindu temple, rested, read, wrote and of course photographed. Every morning I would go out to the cliff to greet the sunrise and see different birds come here for their breakfast. There is a reason why Kauai is called The Garden Island.
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Whom Do You Know That Might Benefit From Our Tailored Mortgage Solutions?
“We cannot change our age, but we can change how much to enjoy it.”
If you have questions how to benefit from those programs, come to our seminar.
P.S. One of the ways to live a long life is to have joy every day. Is not this why we want to have children regardless of our age? Another way is to work hard and to have often vacations. We enjoyed one week in Kauai, which brought back out vitality. Hope you’ll enjoy the images of children and parents I photographed at the beaches in Kauai.
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Whom Do You Know That Might Benefit From Our Tailored Mortgage Solutions?
“We all receive blessings all the time, share them.”
P.S. Today’s images are taken on the streets of San Francisco. They are obviously about giving. Please do not judge, give. My new photo book “42 Encounters in San Francisco” is almost ready. I will make my announcement here when it becomes available.
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Whom Do You Know That Might Benefit From Our Tailored Mortgage Solutions?
“Happiness is a mindset.
You can set your mind to feel happy.”
P.S. There are many young-at-heart people…like some of these beautiful women I photographed, who are ready to enjoy their lives without the need to worry about paying a mortgage or rent. Not everyone can be qualified, but you might know someone who will.
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Whom Do You Know That Might Benefit From Our Tailored Mortgage Solutions?
“It is easier and more fun to travel through life with a friend”
P.S. Carmel is all about the sea, this is why it is called Carmel-by-the Sea. I hope that my images will convey the feeling and desire to visit this beautiful place.
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