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Author of "The Mortgage Game"
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“A Lighter Load Will Help to Have a Longer Walk”
You may have heard the expression, “An apple a day keeps doctor away”. This phrase seems to come from two origins. One is from a proverb originating from the County of Pembrokeshire (in Wales),“Eat an apple on going to bed, and you’ll keep the doctor from earning his bread”. But it was actually Ben Franklin who wrote in his “Poor Richard’s Almanac”, the famous proverb we know today. Apples have been known to have healing properties for a long time. I usually eat an apple every day for a snack, or to quench my hunger before dinner, while driving home.
We were on a week vacation recently, to Calaveras County. When I went for a walk, I picked up some apples that had fallen from their trees, on my way. They were hard and actually only good for cooking. We also brought some apples with us from San Francisco. After speaking on the phone with my daughter Alona, who told me that she just did a cleanse for three days eating only grapes. The next morning I decided to try to do a cleansing as well. For me grapes are too sweet, but I like apples. So I googled “apple cleansing” and I found out that there is indeed a very simple way to lose weight/cleanse by eating just apples for three days. But before I share with you the results of my experience, let me tell you why this idea came to my head. About a month ago I decided that buying new pants or expanding the old ones is not the best solution to get rid of my protruding belly. My solution was to stop eating bread and desserts. I also started to write daily affirmations. My point of departure was 189lb. and 39 inches in my waist. The initial goal was 185lb and 38”. By reducing the intake of carbs and sugar, I had slow progress. This motivated me to change my goal to 183lb and 37”. This is when I was ready for a new approach, an apple cleansing.
The first day, I ate five apples and upon my wife’s insistence, a vegetable soup for dinner. The next day I had four apples, and another four on the third day plus soup and two spoons of olive oil. It helped that we were on vacation, though I walked a lot and we did a lot of sightseeing in the car. At the beginning of the cleanse, I decided to challenge myself and changed my goal to what I weighed years ago, which was 180lb. and 36” waist. When we got home, just as my goal and affirmations read, I weighed 180lb. And also miraculously my pants became roomier. Now the challenge is how to maintain it. I know I will. Where there is a will there is a way.
P.S. On the road between Murphy’s and Arnold (where we stayed) we found an apple stand, which sold 14 different varieties of apples. The owners were from the local apples orchards. We went there almost every day to buy different varieties of apples, as well as incredible tomatoes, and of course to photograph.
Enjoy your apples and share them with a friend.
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“Being An Artist Is A Labor Of Love”
Since prehistoric times, people have expressed their creativity by drawing on walls. Over the years, not only have artists’ skills and materials improved, but also, the number of walls have increased. During the Renaissance, it was common for famous artists to paint murals inside of churches and cathedrals. During the 1930s, the well-known Mexican muralist Diego Rivera was commissioned to paint huge murals on the walls of the Rockefeller Center in New York. In San Francisco, Rivera also completed two frescos. One is in the San Francisco Art Institute and the other is at the San Francisco Stock Exchange. There is also a Diego Rivera-inspired mural by Jane Berlandina, in the Coit Tower on Telegraph Hill. And a mural by Lucien Labaudt in the San Francisco Beach Chalet is located on the Great Highway by the Ocean.
In our times, murals moved out on the streets. Many of them can be seen in the Mission District, which has become a virtual outdoor art gallery. Many artists painted the walls of Balmy Alley located between 24th and 25th Street.
Some artists have been commissioned by the city or building owners to paint some permanent murals, and were lucky to be compensated for their artistic expressions. But there is another group of young graffiti artists, who like to express themselves just by drawing elaborative and beautiful graffiti with cans of paint without any compensation. On September 18-20 Mission Art 415 celebrated the 28th Anniversary of Spraycan Art, which took place in the Mission District. Owners of the buildings on the three blocks of Osaga, Lilee, and Cypress streets between 22nd Street and 24th Street, agreed to have their walls and fences to be used as canvases for mural artists. I spent a few hours on Sunday, just seeing how a dull wall or garage door was transformed into work of art before my eyes. The artists are not paid, and after their work is completed, another artist can come with his spray paint and cover up their previous work to create his own new canvas. It is a remarkable cooperation and mutual courtesy. One artist told me that he started doing graffiti art in 1996, as a very young man. He works as a sales person for a big corporation during the day, and, as he said, lives a double life. It seems that being a graffiti artist is really labor of love.
P.S. It was difficult to choose only 4 images from so many I photographed on that hot day. Artists were really sweating while painting, while I stood in the shade to create my artistic expression. Enjoy and share with a friend.
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“Forgive Yourself and Others Before Asking for Forgiveness from God”
This year Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement, began at sundown on Tuesday September 22nd, and lasted through sundown Wednesday, September 23rd. The holiday follows a lunar calendar, so every year it falls on a different date and sometimes a different month. The celebration and the fast started the previous evening, following Torah’s story of creation. “And there was evening and there was morning, one day” (Genesis 1:5). I had my last meal and drink at about 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, and after spending about 10 hours praying, ate again at 8 p.m. on Wednesday. The purpose of this holiday, once a year, is to ask forgiveness for all of the kinds of misgivings, sins and transgressions, which one knowingly or not knowingly did in the previous year.
The service, which started at 9:30am, continued non-stop until 3:30pm. Then it resumed at 5:30pm. During the two-hour break, I decided to take a walk in Golden Gate Park. The Congregation Chevra Thilim, the oldest synagogue in San Francisco, which started its services over 120 years ago, is located on 25th Avenue and Balboa. When we came to San Francisco in August 1980, we rented an apartment on 5th Avenue and Balboa and liked to go to the park for a walk almost daily with our kids. Golden Gate Park was founded in 1871 on the sand covering 1,017 acres of public ground. It is similar in shape, but 20 percent larger than Central Park in New York City. The main person who is responsible for the way it was developed was John McLaren, who served as the Superintendent of Golden Gate Park for 53 years.
When I came to the park I thought about taking a nap, and I found a picnic table in the shade with a sign printed on top of it, “subject to the reservation” with a phone number. I did not have a reservation (but if you are planning to have a picnic here with a lot of friends, it could be a good idea). In front was a huge lawn with only one woman lying down on the grass with her green bag serving as a pillow. After awhile, she got up and we started a conversation. She is a native San Franciscan, and loves to come to the Park and just be here. We sat together and talked about chirping birds, people walking with their dogs, children playing, bicyclists, joggers or slow walkers and looked out at the tranquil view. I remembered the words of Rabbi Zarchi from the previous night’s sermon. He talked about how children live in the moment, while adults carry with them loads of resentment, anger and guilt. After the sermon, my friend’s daughter, who is 12 years old remarked, “I got it, it is better to be happy than angry.” If you feel tired or angry, go to the park. I’m confident you will be happier here.
P.S. Golden Gate Park offers many attractions, such as the marvelous De Young Museum. Recently we enjoyed a visit to the California Academy of Science. Sometimes we go for a walk around Stow Lake, which offers its natural beauty; the birds, turtles, flowers and the waterfall, and of course people whom I photographed for your enjoyment.
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“By building walls, you separate yourself from the world”
If you’ve been following the Presidential pre-election campaign, you have probably heard (or read) about Donald Trump’s immigration solution: to build a wall to separate Mexico from the United States. In his first town hall meeting, he mentioned that the famous Great Wall of China took 500 years to build. (There is evidence that it was actually built during the Ming dynasty over a period of around 200 years.) Now it only serves as a tourist attraction. Then there was the Berlin Wall, which was erected in 1961 and demolished 28 years later, whose purpose was to protect Socialism from Capitalism or the reverse. Hungary is trying to build a fence to protect itself and the rest of Western Europe from the insurgents from the Middle East and Africa. When Israel started to build a wall to protect itself from bombs and terrorists, many people from the Western World were opposed. Meanwhile, we do not hear about protests against the fence in Hungary. The question is: “How can we be protected?” I’m actually thinking about this while sitting at an educational seminar. In addition to needing a real estate license, which requires renewal every four years, mortgage professionals need to have NMLS (Nationwide Mortgage and Licensing System) endorsements, which need to be renewed every year. This year, the subject is the newly Integrated Disclosure called “TRID”, which is due to be implemented on Saturday, October 3rd. It is the brainchild of the CFPB (The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau).
The purpose of the new disclosure is to offer consumers better protection. The question is from whom and if consumers need more protection than they already have? In my very humble opinion, they do not. For sure, as well as anyone involved in the mortgage industry, they definitely do not need more headaches trying to go through a confusing 50 page brochure, which tells them to shop for a loan, when there are only 21 days to the close of the purchase transaction. The CFPB was created as part of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. At the beginning, the agency had an unlimited Federal Budget. Now they primarily exist from the millions of dollars they collect by suing banks for the violation of the CFPB set rules. More complex rules (like new disclosures) will lead to more violations, and more revenue for CFPB.
During the last presidential election campaign, Mitt Romney was promising to get rid of the Dodd-Frank Act. This did not happen 3 years ago. Let’s see what will happen in 2016.
I don’t know anything about why there would be a need for a wall to separate USA from Mexico, but I know something about mortgages and I care about everyone’s well being and protecting borrowers. Sooner or later, walls come down or become obsolete. How soon will the CFPB disappear? I do not know. For the benefits of my clients, I hope soon. Please read the article in the SF Chronicle – “New mortgage rules streamline paperwork but may cause snags in SF“
P.S. Walls can serve other purposes as well. When the Berlin Wall came down, one section of it, in the middle of the city, was preserved, and today it serves as a canvas for the graffiti artists to express themselves. We have enough of our own walls on which graffiti artists and muralists create their own masterpieces.
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“A New Year represents new hopes, dreams and aspirations. Make them a reality.”
P.S. One of the food traditions for Rosh Hashanah is to dip apple slices into honey, with the wish to have “A Good Sweet Year”. From the ancient times apples were known to have healthy properties. But I think there is yet another reason for apples. They are round and symbolize the circle, which doesn’t have a beginning or end, unless we make a mark, where the beginning and the end become one. Apples also grow abundantly and appear in different sizes and colors, like those I was fortunate to photograph.
Happy and Sweet New Year!
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