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Author of "The Mortgage Game"
Whom Do You Know That Might Benefit From Our Tailored Mortgage Solutions?
Last Friday I met with new clients; a couple, who are originally from France. The wife, who was driving from Marin, was delayed by an anti-Trump demonstration at the Golden Gate Bridge. “What do those people want?” she asked. “They have a new President, nothing can be changed right now.” Hearing that, I pointed out that in France people demonstrate all the time. “Yes, but they have very specific demands, they know what they want”, she replied.
I thought about this conversation the next day. I decided to take the Muni train downtown to try out my new camera that Elfa got me for my 70th Birthday. On the way there, I learned that there would be a demonstration starting from Civic Center, so this information determined my destination. Thousands of people gathered to listen to inspiring speeches in front of City Hall, and moved along Market Street carrying printed placards – some of which read, “I Am Pro-Life Generation” in both English and Spanish and “Choose Life” and “Defend Life”. They were greeted by a smaller group of protesters on the sidewalk with homemade placards that read, “My Body, My Choice.” A few held signs that read “Obstruct Trump” and “We Shall Overcome”. It turned out this was just a warm-up demonstration. The real one, the “Women’s March” was starting at 3pm. When I returned to Civic Center, it was swelling with masses of people. The rain started to fall, and I had enough images for my story, so I decided to head back home. The Muni trains arrived at the station with masses of people pouring out. Many people wore knitted pink hats and carried placards in their hands and rushed to join the crowd. The Women’s March organizers began planning the event on November 9, 2016, the day after Election Day, in reaction to Trump getting elected and his political views.
On January 12, the Women’s March organizers released a policy platform addressing reproductive rights, immigration reform, religious discrimination, LGBTQ rights and racial inequities, workers’ rights and other issues.
All of those issues are very important, however to accomplish those mostly social rights, the new Presidential administration has to work on solving many issues, which I am sure, everyone wants to be solved as well. A stable economy, low mortgage rates, a good comfortable life, employment, secure borders, equality for everyone, good roads, good education for children, respect for all. The list can go on and on. To accomplish all of those above we have a new government. We might not like the person in charge or his views, but we have no choice other than to give him a chance. We have four years to evaluate the results. Until then, work hard to fulfill your own wants and desires.
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San Francisco has a reputation as being the “foggy city”. The geological conditions in San Francisco are sometimes referred to as “naturally air conditioned” However, we had another FOG in our city, which has to do with design and art. It was an art show called FOG which took place last weekend at Fort Mason Center. The accompanied brochure stated that “FOG named after the iconic and ethereal phenomenon for which San Francisco is renowned. FOG DESIGN + ART is a platform for design and art that shifts, morphs, and reveals itself through multiple forms and dimensions”.
When I entered the pavilion I faced a huge colorful wall. Only when I came closer did I realize that the wall was made from beautiful flowers. This was just the beginning of the incredible experience in seeing beauty and craftsmanship. This year was the fourth year of the celebration of art with the participation of 45 leading international galleries and design dealers. If you missed FOG, there are other art related interesting events happening in San Francisco. Like “Photo Fairs”, the international Art Fair dedicated to photography will take place on January 27-29, 2017 at the Festival Pavilion of Fort Mason(tickets and information can be found at photofairs.com).
You will not find my photos there but I can ensure you that you there will be many other talented photographers who would be honored by your presence. If you will not be able to attend, but enjoy photographer, you might find solace in my photo book “42 Encounters in San Francisco)” available on amazon.com
Enjoy and Share on Social Media.
Ps. When I visit exhibits and shows, I not only enjoy art expression of incredible talented and skillful artist, but also use opportunity to photograph those around. This time the focus was on the eyes, four images attest to my experience.
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Today, on Friday 13th, I turned 70 years young. Last week I wrote about my plans to celebrate this event with 700 friends, who would order my book, “42 Encounters in San Francisco.” You still have time to join the others who already have.
Last Friday I woke up before 6 am. The storm was expected to start the next day, and I decided to take a walk to the top of Mt. Davidson knowing that the sunrise might be special. It was still dark while I walked up there, and when I got to the top, the sky started to lighten up. I’ve been here many times and know that it takes about twenty minutes before the sunrise brings the light into our world. It is the highest point in San Francisco, reaching an elevation of 928 ft. The wait paid off in spite of the cold wind and frozen hands. When the sun came out, the sky started to fill up with bright colors, which changed by the minute. The beauty was intense, and I was fortunate to have the opportunity to be there and to capture it with my camera.
It is Margaret Wolfe Hungerford who wrote in her book “Molly Bawn” (1878), “It’s true that beauty is in the eye of beholder.”
The well-known naturalist and environmental philosopher John Muir pointed out, “Everybody needs beauty as well as bread.”
Years ago, we drove through New England in the Fall. Seeing incredible foliage I asked myself, “Why does this beauty exist?” Humans are the only ones who can really see and appreciate it. Now when I always carry my camera with me, not only can I capture, but I can also share my experiences with others.
My vision in producing “42 Encounters” goes further than just sharing my images and stories with you. As I wrote in the conclusion of “42 Encounters in San Francisco”, “I plan to use all of the proceeds from the sale of these books to create a fund that we will use to help young people and their parents learn how to see the beauty of our world through the lens of a camera (or a smartphone).”
I expect to do it with your help and I promise that you will become better photographers as a result.
Enjoy and Share on social media.
P.S. My offer to you to join me to take a journey to the highest point in San Francisco is open (as long as there is no storm). You just need to get up early and have a warm jacket (a camera is optional, but recommended). These four images show you the reason why.
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I believe that this going to be a special year for many reasons. One of them will take place in seven days from today. On Friday, January 13th, 2017 I am going to turn seventy years young. These types of events are often celebrated by throwing a big party, spending thousands of dollars for food and drinks, but then there is very little memory about it soon after. Instead, I decided to make this remarkable event memorable with seven hundred of my friends, who during the next seven days are going to go to Amazon.com and order my photo-book, “42 Encounters in San Francisco”.
You may have noticed that the number seven was repeated four times in my narrative – 7 days, 17 (as in 2017), 70 (my age) and 700 (the number of books to be purchased).
In the Bible, the number seven is the foundation of God’s word and was used 753 times. In the story of the Torah, the world was created in seven days, with seven days in the week, and God’s Sabbath is on the 7th day. In the book of Hebrews, written by Apostle Paul, there are seven titles that refer to Christ.
Since I am mentioning numbers, the number thirteen is sometimes connected with a particular day of the week – Friday the 13th. In Western superstition, it is considered to be unlucky day. There are various sources for these beliefs (you can find them online). But as far as I’m concerned, it is a very lucky day. First of all, I was born on the 13th, and the second reason is you – my readers, clients and friends, who will join me on this date to make my birthday memorable by giving yourself and your friends a present – my “42 Encounters in San Francisco” book.
If you already got this book, would you be willing to share on social media why your friends should join you in celebrating my birthday? If you haven’t bought it yet, just go to Amazon.com and read the reviews.
I wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed looking through your latest book “42 Encounters” over the holidays. I have lived in San Francisco almost 30 years and your pictures around the city took me back to many pleasant memories. Tying in the histories of different locales along with the rich citizenry of our fair city made this book a delightful romp. I look forward to the next variation, as I’m sure it will make me smile all over again.
I guarantee you will enjoy this book as well as a special celebration of my birthday.
Enjoy and please share on social media.
P.S. These four images are from the sequel book “42 Encounters with Couples in San Francisco”. I’ve just forwarded all forty-two images and the text to my talented graphic artist Darren Young, who will make it into another beautiful book, which I will be able to finish with your help.
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Whom Do You Know That Might Benefit From Our Tailored Mortgage Solutions?
We’re approaching the end of the old and the beginning of the New Year, which will happen the second the clock strikes midnight, on Saturday. Are you ready for the change? Have you spent hours or even days preparing for this happening? Have you made a long list of all the goals and desires, which you hope will happen in the New Year? According to the dictionary, “Hope is a feeling and desire for a certain thing to happen.”
In an article in The Wall Street Journal last week titled, “Michelle’s Trump Despair”, Daniel Henninger writes, “Every politician since ancient Athens has run on hope to win office and power. In 2008, Barack Obama’s “Hope and Change” was a brilliant slogan for his historic campaign.”
For me hope is just a word without power, unless there is an action plan to fulfill one’s desires. Some people call desires – goals. Many motivational seminars, or self-development books teach that to get results, we have to set realistic and attainable goals. But for the majority of us, Donald Trump’s goal of being elected President of the most powerful country in the world was neither realistic nor attainable. After all, there were others who had similar desires and hopes. If all of those very capable people could not fulfill their hopes, then what is the chance for us to succeed? Does this mean that the lists of our goals and desires that we’ve worked so hard to put together just waste of time? I don’t know about you, but I’ve made my list. In my list last year I wrote that I would produce two “42 Encounters in San Francisco” books. As you might know, the first book is out, and you can read the incredibly complimentary reviews on Amazon.com, and buy your copy. My second book “42 Encounters with Couples in San Francisco” is ready to be printed. But I need your help to make it happen. I promised my wife Elfa that I will only place the order for the next book when 700 books will be sold, so that I will have the necessary funds to print the sequel.
My desire for the next year is to complete two more books. What are your desires? Have you written them down?
As a bonus to my story, I will share with you my secret to getting things done; which I’ve practiced over many years. Are you ready?
Forget about having hope. Have dreams and desires and then put everything you’ve got in you to fulfill them. Be flexible and constantly learn through your mistakes, as well as your victories.
I recently shared my business dreams and desires for the next year with a friend. Hearing my goals, he pointed out that I’m limiting myself. To reach big goals, he suggested that I think big and expand my desires.
Make it a Prosperous and Great 2017! Enjoy and Share with a friend on Social Media.
P.S. To celebrate the Holidays, we drove to Los Angeles to be with our daughter, Tamar and our son (her husband), David. There I had time to write down my desires for the next five years. I also had some time on our drive back to take some images to share with you.
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