You Are Innocent Until You Get Caught



You Are Innocent Until You Get Caught

“A car can be a privilege or a liability–depending on the driver.”

As a photographer, I like to photograph others—often without asking their permission. This time, I was on the other side of the lens. As you know, I love photography. That is partially why I wanted to share this photograph of my car taken by the $300,000 photo equipment taken by the city of San Francisco. This is how much I was told the City paid for two cameras located on the diagonal corners of some city streets with a warning sign on the pole in-front of them. I was making a right turn from Van Ness onto Bush Street, apparently on a red light. I did not remember this and only found out when a citation with four images of my car was mailed to me. To deal with this matter, I had to go to the Superior court.


In the courtroom, we were given an option to pay the $490 fee with a discount, and for those who are eligible (no traffic school for at least 18 months) to spend 8 hours in a classroom or in front of a computer, or to protest in front of a judge—losing the opportunity to get a discount and enrollment into traffic school. Being stubborn and stupid, I decided to meet the judge. (I have done this in the past when policemen had mistakenly cited me and I successfully got the citation dismissed.) But this also meant another trip to court.


The judge simply explained to me what I did wrong. She also told me that if I will insist on the court hearing, there would be a technician present, who would testify that all of the photography equipment was functioning and tested. There was also a sensor under the surface of the road. I was told that I did not stop completely and turned right at the speed of about 16.4 mph, 4.2 secs after the light changed to red. The judge also pointed out, a complete stop is defined as when the wheels stop rolling at the intersection and the body leans back after the stop vs. a “California” roll when the wheels continue rolling.

Perhaps because I was not arrogant and was smiling as I spoke to the judge, she gave me a discount anyway and sent me to traffic school. After the administrative fee of $52, my total bill came out to $337. I did not want to stand in the long line to pay the fee and decided to come back at the end of the next day. I arrived at 4:30pm, only to find out that they close at this time. Thus, I had to take yet another (fifth) trip to settle this matter—every time struggling to find parking. And there was still traffic school about which I will write about next week.


Instead of my regular photos, I decided to show you the work of the city. The technology is amazing, but the qualities of my images are much better, which you will be able to see next week.

Do Not Keep Me As A Secret!
Smile And Please SHARE It With A Friend!

Mortgage Solutions For You




When SF Gate reported that the former Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke‘s request for a mortgage was turned down, it showed the conditions of today’s loan underwriting.

But the point of the matter is relatively simple. He applied for a mortgage with the WRONG BANK.

His issues probably arose from no longer having W-2’s  and becoming 1099 self-employed. The underwriting rule is that a 2 years average of 1099 income is needed. Until then, forget about a new mortgage or find another W-2 job.

Each bank has their niches and it is our job to find the right tailored solutions. One thing is for sure–with us, he would receive an answer about his qualification right away.

Above is the information we received from one of our bankers.

Whom Do You Know That Might Benefit From Our Tailored Mortgage Solutions?






Date: Thursday: October 9, 2014  
Address: 33 Arroyo Drive, South San Francisco, CA 94080
Time: 6:30pm to 8:30pm 


RSVP on Facebook  OR email  [email protected]


Manny<br /><br /><br /><br />

MeetUP: Real Estate Asset Protection



Meet up with Manny for a night of sharing common interests and ideas. You will have the opportunity to meet people with common real estate interests who own or want to buy commercial or apartment buildings, share, or address any ideas and concerns.

Did the housing recovery end foreclosures?

  • Short Answer is “No”. Have we learned anything from our past mistakes we made in Real Estate?
  • “Ride the Wave” with Ildiko Pali and learn from her 40 years of experience in 5 cycles of Real Estate!
  • Market recovery typically lasts 5-6 years
  • Market decline/recession typically lasts 3-4 years


Where can homeowners learn about Real Estate Asset Protection?

  • At, the mission is to help clients.
  • How to become bullet proof to foreclosures
  • Master the knowledge when to buy and when to sell real estate
  • Steps they need to take to protect their real estate assets


RSVP on  Facebook | OR email [email protected] | EVENT FLYER


See you there!


Manny<br />

Good News From Dr. Manny


How To Be Charitable To Your Neighbor

“Being a charitable person is easy. Be charitable.”

Yesterday, on October 2nd at sundown, began the celebration of Hajj, an Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca and one of pillars of Islam. Today at sundown is the start of Yom Kippur, the Jewish day of atonement. To mark Hajj, Muslims gather in one location. Since the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans in 69 A.D., Jews were dispersed all over the world. They now congregate in synagogues close to home. Regardless of where we live, we all have neighbors who look and dress differently, have different beliefs, and pray in different places of worship. Nevertheless, we are all human beings; most of us have similar desires, inspirations, and want to have peace in our lives.

In the Torah in Leviticus, there is a whole chapter (19) that describes how to behave with others.

“You shall not oppress thy neighbor, nor rob him” (Leviticus 19:13).

Jesus admonished us,

“The second is this “Love your neighbor as yourself”. There is no commandment greater than these.” (Mark 12:31).  

And he was also quoted as saying,

“But to you who is listening, I say love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.” (Luke 6:27-28).

This writing is not the bible lesson, but rather my thoughts before I spend tomorrow in the synagogue praying and asking for forgiveness for my actions, deeds, and even desires which are known and not known to me, and which are not always charitable to others.


The Webster dictionary defines charitable as “kind and generous in giving money or other help to those in need; or for charity; kind and forgiving in judging others, lenient.

During the Yom Kippur holiday, in the prayers, we ask for God’s forgiveness but before we can do that, we have to ask for forgiveness from others. And before that, we have to forgive ourselves.

In the remarkable book “Nonviolent Communication”, Marshall Rosenberg writes about how to satisfy other people’s needs as well as our own. This is the basis of any communication and conflict resolution. According to the book, we are often not kind, forgiving, lenient, judgmental, or not charitable to others or to ourselves. One of the reasons, in my view for this, is that people are afraid, and use uncharitable behavior as a defense mechanism.

Whatever the reasons are, I want to use this opportunity to ask for your forgiveness, and to forgive you as well (just in case). Yom Kippur is the best opportunity to clean up the left overs from the previous year and to start the new year 5775 with new energy, and to be charitable.


Of course, being charitable also means to give money and offer help to those in need. Walking through any big city, we encounter people who look different from us, disheveled, perhaps on drugs, or who choose alternative ways of living. Regardless of their choices, we still can choose to be charitable. After all, they are our neighbors. Enjoy the images. 

Do Not Keep Me As A Secret!
Smile And Please SHARE It With A Friend!

Mortgage Solutions For You




The Fresh Start Program provides mortgage financing to Borrowers that have experienced Short-Sale, Foreclosure, or Bankruptcy ONE YEAR AGO. The program has four tiers: A, B, C, D. The cost (interest rate) of the loans will depend on the type of program, FICO scores, Loan to Value (LTV), and credit.

Whom Do You Know That Might Benefit From Our Tailored Mortgage Solutions?


Date: Thursday: October 9, 2014  
Address: 33 Arroyo Drive, South San Francisco, CA 94080
Time: 6:30pm to 8:30pm 


RSVP on Facebook  OR email  [email protected]