“Being ready is a state of mind. Be ready.”
Being ready doesn’t only relate to the rain storm. We all have different kinds storms in our lives—or good tidings. Let’s say you have a gifted child who wants to study in an expensive school, or there is a medical emergency or forthcoming wedding, or law suit, or the purchase of a new home, or sudden unemployment, or a car accident, or old age, or a trip around the world. Are you ready?
Recently, we met with Harry Kamataris at his “Financial Survival Workshop”. He helped us review our retirement annuities, and insurance policies, and gave us advice on how to financially prepare for the future. (Something I’ve procrastinated for a long time about.)
I can also talk about being ready for mortgage refinancing. Many of my clients, whose loans I’ve helped to refinance have low interest rates. Nevertheless, since interest rates came down, it makes sense to consolidate debts, or to extend low interest rate adjustable loans for another seven years. Do not wait until “the storm”—high rates will return. Make yourself ready.
On a rainy night last week, I photographed the wet street in front of our house and created some of the abstract images above. Enjoy.
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