Have you heard about a place called Ogunquit, located in Maine? Neither did I, until a few months ago my wife Elfa informed me that if we do not take a three days’ vacation, the points of our time-share will expire, and it would be a shame to lose them. She also told me that she had found an exchange at a resort in Maine, one of the States on our list of places to visit. When I looked at the map, I realized that Maine could be a part of Canada, since most of the land borders with Quebec. Its population is only 1,328,361, and is the 42 most populous state in the United States., while California is Number 1 with 37,253,956 inhabitants. In terms of bodies of water, Maine is ranked 12th in the nation, while California is #6. There is water everywhere. The resort area where we stayed was a few residential blocks away from access to the sea. When I walked there early in the morning, I found a huge beach with calm waters.
Although the weather was very nice, there were just a few people there. The tourist season was due to start at the end of May and lasts until the end of September. During this time, all the area will be filled with visitors, who flock there to experience the beauty of nature. The name Ogunquit in the Abenaki language, which was spoken long ago in Quebec and Maine, means “beautiful place by the sea”. We drove on the road that winds along the water, visited picturesque little towns, and ended up in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, which is about a thirty minute drive from there. But many food establishments had a CLOSED sign on the door, since it was before the tourist season started. To taste the local ROCOCO ice cream (which was very good), we drove 15 miles to Kennebunkport. This port town was incorporated in 1651, and today this area is the location of summer homes of the 41st President Mr. and Mrs. Bush, as well as their son Jeb Bush and many others who is whos, judging by the huge mansions along the road.
On a morning walk through the marsh land bordering the sea with my camera in hand, listening to the chirping birds, looking at the young green leaves just appearing on the tree branches, and the brown, old ones on the ground, noticing new flowers pushing themselves through soft ground, I realized that it looked like any other place or state we have visited in the spring. I had a similar experience back at home on The Sea Ranch as well. Then I thought, “Why do we always want to go far away and visit other countries, if everywhere we go looks so familiar?” I think the answer was given by the Russian poet Vladimir Soloukhin. In one of his poems he writes, “To live on the earth with the soul striving to the sky,” and in another he describes the different experiences we have in our lives, and then asks, “O.K., what is left for us in life?” and answers, “The joy of anticipation”. I just carry along my photo camera on my journeys to capture a small sliver of my experiences with one purpose, to share with you the joy I feel in my heart.
Enjoy and Share.
P.S. Unfortunately, because of my lack of skills and even the possibility to capture the beauty, I think you would still have to come and to experience it here yourself. Meanwhile, these four images reflect the natural beauty created by nature itself.
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