Fridays with Manny


What Is Tu BiShvat?

The Jewish calendar is different from other religious and secular calendars, primarily because it follows the lunar cycle (as do some other cultures, including Chinese). In addition, it shows four New Years. Rosh Hashanah, which translates to Head of the Year, usually takes place in the fall, and celebrates the birth of the first man Adam. The actual new year starts in the spring and is called Passover. It celebrates the Israelites’ exodus from slavery in Egypt.

And then there is another reason to celebrate. It takes place between these two major events and is called Tu BiShvat or the New Year of Trees. This year, the holiday fell on February 13th. In Israel it is celebrated as a Jewish Arbor Day, and trees are planted in celebration.

The fourth New Year takes place on the first of month Elul, which is in the fall. Its history goes back to the Jerusalem Temple times, when there was an obligation to tithe every tenth animal of one’s flock. It is difficult in our times to relate to these experiences. Nevertheless, it is still considered as one of the New Years.

There are many quotes about trees. I particularly like this quote by Thomas Fuller, “He that plants trees, loves others besides himself”. I like to photograph trees and sometimes to display them in artistic ways, as you can see from the three images decorating this story.

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