Many years ago, when our children were much younger, we used to play a board game called “I Think, You Think, I Think”. The essence was to guess what other players were thinking in given circumstances. There were cards with questions like, “You found a wallet with 100 dollars, what would you do?” Another card would list three options. And the guesser had to choose what the other players were thinking about the choice. I had a lot of fun when one of our daughters would think what I think about one of things, while I made a different choice. To this day, I hear in my head, “Dad, you would not do that.”
This game came to my mind when recently during some turbulent events in Russia, when I saw on the news one of the “experts” was asked a question about what is going on. He expressed his opinion by stating, “I think.” The next day the events turned out to be the complete opposite to what this expert was thinking.
And this, I think, can be said about anything in our lives either our personal affairs, economy, or politics, since we never know what the other person thinks and what actions are going to be taken as a result. Therefore, do not think too much, just enjoy the moment. What do you think the three images I am sharing with you represent? Please let me know.
Enjoy and Share!