Happy Birthday, Adam!
Besides it being Labor Day Monday, September 6th, it is also a double birthday. The first is our granddaughter’s 1st birthday. Her parents recently moved to Portland, Oregon, and we were planning to celebrate her birthday with them; however because of the Delta spike of the coronavirus, we had to postpone our trip, to keep everyone safe. The second birthday is Adam, who according to the Torah, and based on the Hebrew calendar, was born (created) 5,781 years ago. His birthday is celebrated on the eve of Rosh Hashanah – the Jewish New Year.
There are many traditions connected with this holiday. One of them is to eat a slice of an apple dipped in honey. I’ve chosen to share with you three images of apples. Sorry, but you have to buy your own honey.
Wishing you Shanah Tovah u’Metukah in 5782!
Wishing you a good and sweet Year!
Enjoy and Share!