Fridays with Manny


A Body in Motion
Tends to Stay in Motion

Last week I shared a quote with you about our brains, taken from Sanjay Gupta’s, MD. book “Keep Sharp. Build a Better Brain at Any Age”. But there was more about the well-being of our bodies.

“When people ask me what’s the single most important thing they can do to enhance their brain’s function and resilience to disclose, I answer with one word: exercise – as in move more and keep a regular physical fitness routine. Fitness could very well be the most important ingredient to living as long as possible, despite all the other risk factors you bear – age and genetic included.”

Though I was a walker, even before Max came to our life, after reading those lines, I decided to increase my efforts. How about you? During my walks I encountered laughing people, who ended up in my book “42 Encounters with Laughter”. Perhaps reading jokes will encourage you to go out and to encounter other people, as I did.

Enjoy and Share!