In the past two stories I wrote about the art world of San Francisco after visiting its two major museums, the SFMOMA and the Legion of Honor. The art theme continues in this week’s story, as we recently attended the opening of the San Francisco Art Fair, an annual event, for which I received VIP passes. When we arrived at Fort Mason on Thursday evening at 6:30pm, the huge parking lot was completely full. Hundreds of people rushed into the exhibition hall. It was packed with artwork and people. Our daughter Alona, who is an art consultant and came with us, made an interesting comment – “How many people can distinguish the good art from the not so good?” There were many exhibitors and hundreds of different art works in different forms and shapes, it was definitely challenging to distinguish the good from the less than good art.
After all, the appreciation of art is in the eyes of the beholder. But regardless if you like the art or do not, or even how much it is selling for, a lot of effort and work goes into creating it. From the idea or the vision to the execution, to the marketing and even the displaying of the art; not to mention the time commitment to studying, the trials and errors, and cost of the materials. One of the well-known photographers pointed out that his success depends on the size of his waste basket. I recognize this sentiment very well. When you visit our new office, you’ll be able to see my personal photo exhibition. Some people have asked to purchase some of my images. But how do I determine the price? What people see today is the result of many years of practice, which no one can see or appreciate. When next time you see any work of art, just be aware that the artist created it for your appreciation.
Enjoy and Share.
P.S. When you will come to my office you will see my photography based on three subjects: Light, flowers and sunsets. If you want to see images of the people I photographed on the streets of San Francisco, ask me to show them to you or you can purchase “42 Encounters in San Francisco” on The definition of art is the application of human creativity, which some people use on their appearances, as you can see from the four images of people I encountered at the SF Art Fair.
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