“While traveling life’s journey, choose the road less traveled, keep your eyes open, and record your experience.”
I was taking my daughter Tamar to the airport. We left a little bit late and Tamar was nervous. I was considering between either Highway 280 or 101. It was a little past 9am, so I reasoned that the traffic on the 101, which is shorter in distance, would be okay.
When we got on the ramp, we saw that the road was a sea of slowly moving cars. Since there was no way to turn back, I made the only decision I could—“To stay in the traffic and enjoy life”. The traffic turned out to be because of a small accident up ahead. Meanwhile, the damaged vehicle, the tow truck, and the police car were on the other side of the road. Drivers were slowing down and did what Tamar said in LA is called “rubber-necking”. After that, traffic gained speed and we got to the airport on time.
Looking back on my life and reflecting on the times when I was late to something, I realized that I actually do not remember missing anything. Once when we just arrived to the United States, I was driving in heavy rain to a job interview for a property manager position. I could not get there on time and as a result, I did not become a property manager. I was not late to my next appointment and became a mortgage broker instead.
Too often we are afraid that life will happen without us—that we will miss something. As a result, our reaction is to become tense, nervous, and upset. And then when everything is okay and things turn out the way they are supposed to be in the first place, we promptly forget about our upset just to face another one later on.
As I’ve described in my first book, “The Mortgage Game”, every tense situation in a mortgage transaction is eventually resolved.
During the transaction, borrowers have a choice to get upset because of “something, or someone that is doing something to us”, or to simply enjoy life with the knowledge that “this” too shall pass—as it has many times before.
What is left though is the story, which you can tell anyone (who would listen), with some exciting details. Or if you need more stories, you can read them in my books. The latest one, “Mortgage Solutions for Smart People: 5 Easy Ways to Get Your Loan Approved”, is in its final stages of production and will be available shortly.
Traveling on vacation, as much as it is enjoyable, is a hard work. Last night, we returned from a trip to Italy, and I am glad to be home and will relax at work. My first batch of images from our trip are from Lake Como, where we stayed on the last leg of our trip, after 4 days in Venice and a week in Florence. I will share more details and photos of our trip in the next Good News.
Stay tuned.
Meanwhile I need to focus on serving new clients, and your help is greatly appreciated.
Do not keep me as a secret.