In my dreams sometimes, I have to deal with cars. I either forget where I parked, or my car goes on the wrong road, or climbs up a steep hill. My personal interpretation of these dreams is that they have something to do with the condition of my business. Luckily, all of my dreams have happy endings.
Recently, I had a completely different dream.
I was inside a house and was afraid of something that was going on outside. I tried to get away from this feeling and moved from room to room—finally ending up in the bedroom. I lay down on the bed, when I noticed that the window coverings were opening up by themselves. Behind them, there was a 6-foot long window, which had an opening in the middle that opened up by itself. I stood up to look through the opening and saw a man and a woman outside. They told me that the window had to be removed because it was not installed properly. I begged them not to do that saying that it will be too cold, that the plywood covering the opening would cut off the light, and that I had no money to install the new window. While I pleaded with the couple who only seemed to ignore me, a third man was behind me, and lowered the window as I stood in the middle of the opening.
Suddenly, I remembered the Charlie Chaplin silent movie, “The Kid”. There, the kid played by Jackie Coogan, throws a rock into someone’s window and when the irritated owner runs out, he sees the window repairman played by Charlie Chapman. Remembering that scene, I asked the couple if they work for the window replacement company. This idea was so ridiculous that in my dream I started laughing very hard. In that moment, the people were gone and my window was back in place.
In the Torah, we read the story about how Joseph interpreted the Pharaoh’s dreams and how this changed world history. Today, there are specially trained people, most of whom are psychologists—disciples of Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung, who know how to help their patients with dream interpretation.
As far as my dream is concerned, I think I got the message—whenever there is a problem, just laugh and wake up.
In my book, “The Mortgage Game: The 5 C’s and How To Connect Them”, I share many stories, anecdotes, and possible nightmares that my clients and I had along with the possible solutions. One of the stories involves a man who had a nightmare that there was a monster under his bed. You can find solutions on how to get rid of monsters by reading the book or by giving me a call. One of my readers recently told me that after The Bible, he finds my book very inspirational. This can also be a very good Thanksgiving present.
I like window shopping. Not because of what is displayed behind the glass, but rather the reflections in the glass, which most of us do not see at first. But with my camera, I am able to create an unexpected, dream-like, abstract image; any change of light will affect the image.
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