It is the morning of December 31st, 2012. We are staying at The Sea Ranch. The house we rented is located on a bluff, a short distance from the ocean.
When we arrived here in the afternoon a few days ago, the sky was grey, it was drizzling rain, and a strong wind was blowing my umbrella away when I tried to walk along the bluff.
It was impossible at the moment to imagine that the next morning everything would change. In our bedroom, the window shades were broken and wouldn’t go down, so we woke up the following morning to see a pink sky.
Most “normal” people would stay in bed, just to enjoy the view and being on vacation, to linger in the bed a little bit longer. But for a photographer, this pink sky offered a possibility and here I was in my pajamas on the deck in the freezing morning air clicking yet another sunrise moment.
When I spoke with my daughter Tamar that night, after coming back from the bluff with another trophy of the most gorgeous sunset, she asked me, “You’re not tired of photographing all those sunsets and sunrises again and again?” “But they are beautiful,” I responded. “Yes, but why photograph them all the time?” she said. I think I do it to preserve the memory of the moment.
Men had to discover and improve the ability to “draw with light”–this is what photography means, not to create artistic masterpieces, but to record events, memories, and yes…the beauty that we are surrounded by.
And I am blessed to have the sensitivity and good tools to do it. Speaking of tools and the possibility to record photo images, this morning, the pink skyline jolted me out of bed again. I grabbed my fancy “professional” camera with a very good long lens attached to it and ran to the deck again, only to realize that I needed a different lens. Since the intensity of the light does not last long, I took out my pocket camera instead, and here you can see the result.

It takes about three hours to drive to The Sea Ranch from San Francisco, especially if one stops for a cup of coffee or hot chocolate in my case, on the way.
To make the journey more palatable, we borrow audio books from the library. On this trip, we listened to “The Apothecary” by Maile Meloy. We thought it to be a suspense story. It is, but as it turns out, for teenagers, in the likes of a Harry Potter-type book. It is about three fourteen year olds trying to find the father of one of the boys–the Apothecary (a pharmacist in American English), who turns out to be an Alchemist.
At one moment to escape from the pursuer, they drink a magic potion and become birds to defy skepticism and disbelief of the possibility that the body can change form and actually fly away as a bird. Adults could not comprehend where they disappeared and only a little girl said that they became birds to everyone’s dismissal. Of course most of us would say that this is only possible in children’s’ books. Sure, for most of the human history, the speed of travel was equated to the speed of the fastest horse.
Last week when I wrote about making time to dream, I mentioned Darren Hardy’s book, “The Compound Effect”. It is not only inspirational; but also, a guide how to create the Possible from the Impossible in our lives, which I intend to follow.
A few years ago in a “life transformational” event I participated in, I wrote down that I will write 5 books. At that time, I did not see a possibility on how to even start, and why 5? By now as I am almost finished writing my second book, I realize that’s how the possibility works. When we find the answer to why we want to do something, the “how” comes along. In my new book: “Mortgage Solutions for Smart People: 5 Simple Steps to Get Your Mortgage Approved”, I explain my reasons for why.
Someone asked me how do I have time to work and write, and do all of the things that I do? My secret is that what I do – help clients get mortgages, over 9 to 10 hours/day, five days a week, I do not consider work. I help people to better their lives. For my writing and photography, I have evenings, weekends, and of course when we go away.
As far as the mortgage business is concerned, I see the possibility to double the number of people I can help in 2013. We have a good process to help me and there is a very good possibility that interest rates will continue to stay low, while real estate prices will rise, and more people will have jobs to qualify for a mortgage. And of course there is the possibility that you will share this message with all of your friends.
Please do not forget to say a few good words about my services and suggest that they read “The Mortgage Game: The 5 C’s and How to Connect Them”.
The beginning of this year coincides with a weekly portion in the Torah, which describes the events which led to the Exodus of the Hebrew Slaves from Egypt. There is a famous part when Moses sees the burning bush in the desert and hears the voice of God, who tells him to go back to Egypt and lead his people out. He asks God, “But what should I tell them is your name?” God answers ,”My name is “I Shall Be, as I Shall Be.” (Exodus 3/14)\. Personally for me, this translates perfectly into “The Possibility of Impossibility”, because this is how Moses overcame his own limitations and with God’s help created the Possibility of Impossibility.
Create The Possibility for a Great Year and Share it with your friends.