Retirement Solutions for Smart People™


 Retirement Solutions for Smart People™

Years ago I read that a mother approached Dr. Spock, the famous pediatrician, and asked him when she should start her one year old child’s education. His response was, “You are exactly one year late.”

I am sharing this anecdote as an introduction to talk about when to start preparing for retirement.  When I began working in the mortgage business over 30 years ago, most of my clients were my young age.  Now at the age of 69, many of my clients are catching up to me, meaning, some of them have reached their retirement age.  A few years ago, my wife Elfa suggested that we slow down, perhaps semi-retire.  I did consider her offer, after all, I have so many other things to do, such as to photograph and to write books.  But after a night’s sleep, I decided to keep going until I am 90.  There were two circumstances that helped me make my decision.  First, I felt that we were not yet financially ready to retire, but the second reason was because I had met my first reverse mortgage clients.  After helping them, I realized that there are so many people whom I can help to enjoy their retirement, before I am ready for my own.

As part of my effort, I decided to take a deeper look at the subject of retirement.  The result was my decision to write a book titled, “Retirement Solution for Smart People.  5 Easy Ways to Enjoy Your Golden Age”.  Since writing a book takes time, I decided not to wait and to share my ideas with you sooner.  In order to do that, I created a seminar.  The first one is going to be on July 19th.  We will discuss: What it takes to retire, when to start planning, who can help you, how to maximize social security benefits, and what to do with the mortgage.  I hope you can join us.  The details are in the attached flyer.  Enjoy and Share.

P.S. I am guessing that the people I photographed in those four images are either retired or are ready to retire.  Are you ready?

Do Not Keep Me As A Secret!
Smile And Please SHARE It With A Friend!


Manny<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />                                                               Signature